Boiled rice - calories

Rice is one of the most widespread and popular cereal plants, which has many species united by similar characteristics of food and energy value of this product. Cooked rice is often a component of various diets for healing, recovery and weight loss.

The key moments in the popularity of dishes from rice are considered to be its relatively low calorie content, useful properties and nutritional qualities. Boiled rice, whose calorie content is a record low, rightfully occupies one of the leading places among dietary dishes, and is also the basis for various types of methods of weight loss.

Useful properties and calories of boiled rice

Rice has many varieties, the most common and popular ones are plain white rice, polished and unpolished, brown and wild rice. Caloric content of 100 grams of cooked rice depends on the type of cereal and the way it is cooked. Dry cereals have an average caloric content of 340-360 kcal, during the cooking process, rice collects water and increases in volume, due to which its energy value decreases. The caloric content of rice boiled on water is:

All kinds of rice are to some extent useful for health and have useful nutritional and cleaning properties. The composition of any kind of rice includes many vitamins and valuable minerals - vitamins E, D, B1, B2, B3, B6, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, dietary fiber and starchy compounds. Due to this composition, rice is able to meet the body's needs for nutrients in a diet and active sports activities, neutralize the effect of acids and envelop the stomach.

The most valuable of all kinds of this cereal, but also the most expensive for the price, is wild rice. The price of it is determined by the features and conditions cultivation, and the nutritional value of its composition of 18 amino acids and a high content of vitamins, 5 times higher than that of ordinary rice. Caloric content of boiled wild rice is lower, and the useful composition is much higher than that of other varieties.

Caloric content of boiled rice with oil increases on average by 50-100 kcal per serving, depending on the fat content and the amount of oil. Typically, a serving of 150-200 grams of rice is put 10-15 g of oil. Knowing the fat content and calorie content of butter, it is easy to calculate how much the energy value of the whole dish will increase. As for salt, it has no energy value at all, so the caloric content of boiled rice without salt and with the addition of salt is the same. When you add other spices or sauces to rice, the calorie content of the whole dish increases accordingly.