What vitamin is contained in the liver?

Many people have heard from childhood that it is necessary to consume the liver. it is useful. In the liver of the animal, a lot of nutrients and vitamins are deposited, and all the toxins are redirected together with bile into the gallbladder, so the liver can only be eaten without a gallbladder. In the liver of the animal are several vitamins, which are preserved even when the product is heat treated - B12, D, A, B2, etc.

Studying the composition of the liver, you can determine what vitamin is contained in it in the largest amount - it is folic acid, which is a building material for DNA and RNA. Without vitamin B9, normal growth and development of the child's organism is impossible, therefore the liver is extremely important in the kids' menu. Folic acid is involved in the production of serotonin and dopamine, which inhibit and activate the cells of the nervous system, help the person maintain emotional balance.

Vitamins contained in the liver, participate in the blood and increase the level of hemoglobin. Vitamin B9 takes an active part in the synthesis of erythrocytes, due to its action, the content of red blood cells increases, which when formed form enough hemoglobin. Vitamin B2 is also necessary for the production of red blood cells, it also helps to bind red cells to oxygen molecules, which is why oxygen is transferred to all organs and tissues.

The content of vitamins in the liver

The composition of the liver of different animals differs in the number of vitamins. For example, the most saturated vitamins are goose liver, from it an expensive "fashionable" dish of foie gras is prepared. The geese are forcibly fed by a special device with high-calorie food, therefore in their liver a large supply of vitamins of group B and D. Calcitoxins (provitamin D) is necessary for our body for the health of the bone system, without this vitamin does not absorb calcium in cells, metabolic processes are inhibited.

Many vitamins in the beef liver - it is concentrated retinol, participating in protein metabolism. Vitamin A, which is indispensable for the visual analyzer, this vitamin helps the retina to be better absorbed light and distinguish between different points. Retinol positively affects the skin, increasing its tone.

The rabbit liver is rich in vitamins C , D and PP. Ascorbic acid - improves the protective functions of the body, reduces the permeability of viruses through the cell membrane, and also compacts the walls of the vessels. Vitamin PP is indispensable in the synthesis of many hormones.

What are the vitamins in the chicken liver?

Chicken liver is saturated with many vitamins, A, P, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP and C are present. The distinctive feature of chicken liver from other species is that it is prepared very quickly and consequently more useful compounds are stored in it . Therefore, chicken liver must be consumed by people suffering from anemia.