Breastfeeding during pregnancy - in whose favor to make a choice?

The situation when a mother breastfeeding becomes confronted with a difficult choice, to throw GW, or to continue, if a new life is under the heart, is not so rare. You can understand if you learn about breastfeeding during pregnancy in detail and weigh all the positive and negative sides.

Can I get pregnant during lactation?

Unfortunately, many modern mummies are still under the influence of the wrong information that has come to us from ancient times. Then the women knew the answer to the question "can I get pregnant with lactation," and he was - "no." In those days, the woman fed the baby only on demand, and menstruation was not restored naturally due to a high level of prolactin in the blood, which will be released regularly and evenly.

Now the situation has changed a lot. Many mothers are not able to fully nurture their child, and resort to mixtures as a complement. That is, milk is not produced enough and the level of prolactin, responsible for activating the reproduction function, is at a low level. Therefore, menstruation begins soon after childbirth and, of course, simultaneously there is an ovulation. Especially affects the decrease in the contraceptive effect of feeding what Mom prefers to sleep at night without putting the baby on. Such a mistake turns into a new pregnancy.

To ensure that breastfeeding during pregnancy does not become a number one issue, besides lactational amenorrhea (absence of menstruation during feeding), it is necessary to secure yourself during GW with other methods of contraception:

Signs of pregnancy with lactation

If a woman who is feeding a baby with milk suspects a new pregnancy, then she should pay attention to the symptoms of which the complex can talk about the incipient conception. Here are the most common signs of pregnancy in HBV :

Lactation pregnancy test

Identifying pregnancy during HBV can be the same way as a normal pregnancy. If there are suspicions, the young mother can use some proven methods:

If the signs of pregnancy during lactation are obvious, and the test for some reason shows one strip, then it is possible that after conception there was not enough time. You can wait another week and go through it again, or entrust the identification of a pregnancy hormone to specialists from the laboratory. A doubtful result showing a small concentration of hCG in the blood - an excuse to retake the analysis in 2 days. If the figure doubles, the probability of pregnancy is 99%.

Can I breastfeed during pregnancy?

Often, mom does not want to continue breastfeeding during pregnancy because of the high stress on the body and her fears for a new life. But this decision is not always justified. Indeed, in some cases it is in the interests of all three parties to stop GW, but more often a young mother can feed her baby even further, and also to tandem feed after the appearance of a second baby. To find out whether it is possible to breastfeed a child during pregnancy, one must have a gynecologist who knows the woman's condition better than anyone else.

Why not breastfeed during pregnancy?

In some situations, breastfeeding during pregnancy is prohibited. These include:

  1. The threat of termination of pregnancy. It is believed that the effect on the nipples followed by the production of oxytocin, which provokes abortion or delivery, does not begin earlier than 20 weeks. That is, until this time a woman can not worry about the possibility of miscarriage due to excessive stimulation of the breast. This is appropriate only when there is no direct threat, but if a woman is diagnosed with a "threat of miscarriage", then breastfeeding increases the risk of detachment of the placenta, and therefore the baby will have to stop feeding.
  2. Acute toxicosis can become a barrier to breastfeeding during pregnancy. In addition, that the general condition of a woman, with frequent urge to vomit, headache and constant nausea, does not tune in tight communication with the baby, feeding can be bad for the child using mother's milk - in some cases, the state of toxicosis was registered in the infant .
  3. If a mother has a chronic illness, her body is weakened by a recent pregnancy and feeding, then a double burden on the body can lead to bad consequences. Therefore, such a woman will need to quickly turn off the HS, which is detrimental to her health.

How to stop lactation during pregnancy?

Finish HS during pregnancy is desirable gradually, if there is such an opportunity, and there are no acute contraindications. The child should get to the maximum the milk that is useful to him. Ideally, if a full excommunication takes place no earlier than 12 months, when the baby is already getting full lure and not so in need of breastfeeding.

As soon as Mom learned of pregnancy, she should start cleaning up one feeding, replacing it with an artificial mixture. Appropriate incomplete emptying of the baby's breast followed by a complementary formula. In this case, the baby does not jump sharply to another product, and the risk of allergy is minimized.

Breastfeeding and a new pregnancy

If Mom wants, and the doctor does not object, then pregnancy with lactation is quite possible, especially if the baby is very small. Observing how the child sucks his chest, we can conclude that the continuation of the feeding. If he does not have a rash, he behaves as always, and sucking does not cause painful discomfort, then such feeding will benefit the baby and mother, who will not have to deprive the child of the product he needs.

Does the taste of breast milk change during pregnancy?

It has been scientifically proven that breast milk during pregnancy changes its composition and taste under the influence of hormones. Nobody knows if the kid feels this taste salty, bitter or sour, but if he does not give up his breast because of the changes, everything is all right. At the time of delivery, such a child will have a short break, and when the mother gives birth and returns home, a large rush of milk will be sufficient for a newborn and an older child.

Is breastmilk lost during a second pregnancy?

There is no reason to assume that pregnancy during lactation can significantly affect the amount of milk. Yes, in some cases, in the first weeks milk may become slightly less, but this situation is short-lived. Mom should continue to feed the child, if she wants it, and if necessary, you can supplement it with a mixture if the baby is very hungry. The amount of milk can decrease only in the second trimester under the influence of hormones. If by this time the child does not often need a breast, it is better to wean it gently.

The rules of breastfeeding during pregnancy

To pregnancy during lactation was for a woman without losses, you must follow simple rules:

  1. Eat plenty of healthy, natural food, as in the case of twin pregnancy.
  2. At maximum rest, shifting care of the crumbs to the household.
  3. A lot of time to spend on walks.
  4. To receive qualitative complex multivitamins.
  5. At the slightest malaise, consult a doctor.