Growing pineapple at home

Who among us does not like pineapple, fresh and canned, in the composition of cakes and other dishes? And in general, this fragrant cone looks very pretty on the table. I wonder if it is possible to grow pineapple at home on the windowsill, and if so, how to do it right? Fans of planting a garden on the windowsill say that for the cultivation of pineapple at home, whether it is an apartment or a private house, you will exert the same effort as to grow any other flower, the main thing is to do the right thing and a pretty shisha will adorn your window.

Growing pineapple in an apartment

1. Growing pineapple at home should start already from the time of purchase of the fruit itself. Because we need a fruit with not podmorozhennymi and intact tufts, and therefore, pineapple for planting is better to buy in the warm season. When buying carefully inspect the tuft, in its middle there should be no holes, if any, then this pineapple is not suitable for our purpose - it has already cut out the material for planting.

2. Carefully cut the rosette with pineapple with a sharp knife and dry it for 3-4 days in the light.

3. In the pot (box), where your pineapple will "live", we pour boiled river sand. We put in it dried rosettes and cover with a jar or a plastic bag. But be careful, the shelter should not be completely hermetic, that is, the seedlings need to be ventilated daily to avoid decay. It is also necessary to ensure that the seedlings are constantly warm (the temperature should not fall below 25 ° C).

If you do not want to mess with pots and sand, you can put the outlet in a jar (glass) with water so that the tip of the cone just touched the water. We make sure that the water level always remains the same, and we wait for the appearance of the roots. Pineapples so sprouted must be planted in the ground when the roots reach a length of 2 cm.

4. The seedlings take root about a month and a half later, then they will need to be transplanted into nutrient soil. Understand that your seedlings have roots, you can by the formation of new green leaves.

5. After the transfer of pineapple to a permanent residence begins the most interesting and at the same time troublesome - caring for this plant. Pineapple is whimsical about drafts, and also very much likes that the earth was always wet. Be wary of overdoing, in heavily moistened soil, pineapple can bend. To achieve this effect, you can water every 2-3 days, but you need to sprinkle pineapple twice a day, especially since for such procedures, the plant reacts extremely positively. In addition, pay attention to water for irrigation and spraying - it should be at room temperature. The optimum temperature for growing pineapple at home is + 25-28 ° C in summer and not below eighteen degrees in winter. Also this plant is well fed, starting from February to the first month of autumn. Feeding should be done every 20 days.

6. If you do everything right, then somewhere in 2-2,5 years, pineapple will begin to bloom. If the plant is healthy and happy with its appearance, but does not want to bloom for some reason, then it needs to be helped by feeding it with a mixture of water and calcium carbide. About 50 grams of the mixture must be gently poured into the center of the outlet. This fertilizing should be done every day, during the week. After a similar "delicacy" pineapple will blossom in a month. Fruits mature about 5-7 months.

7. Do not forget that pineapple is not a tree, and that's why after the fruiting it will surely die. And what if you entered into the taste, and the fragrant bump on the windowsill became a symbol of the house? Firstly, it is hard not to worry, after the ripening of the fruits, the plant does not die right away, can still live about 3 years. Secondly, you will definitely have "kids" - up to 12 pieces from one plant. These very babies, as far as development, need to be carefully separated from the mother plant and rooted.