Color types of appearance - how to determine your color pattern and choose clothes?

To be stylish and fashionable, self-assured is the cherished dream of a self-respecting woman. Beautiful things and perfect make-up, excellent taste - not the only thing worth betting on. Color-types of appearance - an important nuance, on which the total effect of onion depends.

How to determine your color appearance?

Updating the wardrobe, you often noticed yourself or heard from others that one color of the rainbow makes you look younger, when the other adds age, reduces the glitter in your eyes, although it fits well with your wardrobe. It's all about the notorious color-types. This is how a range of colors suitable for a particular person is called, which is in harmony with the external data that nature has given birth from birth.

Color-types of appearance are actively used by various specialists, whose main task is to transform effectively. They are stylists, designers, make-up artists, hairdressers. But any representative of the fair sex will not interfere with familiarity with their own characteristics for the competent construction of a wardrobe, the masking of imperfections and the disclosure of strengths.

Color types of appearance - description

As mentioned above, the color types of any appearance are determined according to the type of pigment prevailing in a person. This is expressed in the tone of the skin, the shade of the hair and the color of the eyes. And although each of us is absolutely individual and unlike others, but conditionally distinguish 4 basic types of appearance. They are subdivided by the criterion of the predominance of a tone referring to a cold or warm palette.

To find out which gamma is close to you, you can correlate your own external data with the established characteristics that differentiate the color types of a woman's appearance. It will also help applying to the face of the mirror the cuts of cloth of various shades - from light pastel to intense ones. It is necessary to carefully monitor what tone makes the skin of the face shine, and which gives an unhealthy color.

Cvetotype of appearance summer

The most common type among Slavic women is the summer color-like appearance. Such a girl is distinguished by delicacy and fragility of features, sharp contrasting transitions of tones and colors are not typical. Although along with this, in some cases, there is a lack of expression and even lack of character, but competent makeup will help to correct this situation by making the face vivid and memorable.

Identify the very same summer color type easily, if you take into account some typical signs:

  1. Hair . For "summer" natural shades in the light-brown range are typical: pale-ashy, ash-white, chestnut-chestnut, chestnut-ashy, medium-blond, that is, without reddishness.
  2. The skin of the girl-"summer" is sensitive, it looks transparent, capillaries and small veins are often visible. It is white with a delicate pinkish podton, it can be beige-pink, porcelain, ivory , pale olive. In spring and summer, some of the faint freckles appear.
  3. Eyes . In the "summer" of the fair sex, the mirrors of the soul are diverse, but invariably have at least weak grayish-yellow blotches: blue, blue, gray-blue, greenish, nutty.
  4. Eyebrows and eyelashes with a light tinge.

Autumn colorotypes

A girl who is referred to this color-attracting attention, will never get lost in the crowd, and no one will turn her tongue into a gray mouse. Bright, as if radiating sunlight, she embodies the charm of expressive autumn in a powerful riot of colors. In appearance there are warm and soft tones with deep shades, not a gram of bleakness!

Autumn color-type appearance can be easily identified using a list of characteristic features:

  1. Hair is the pride of the girl-autumn: expressive shock always has a warm reddish: golden, apricot-red, copper, amber, golden-chestnut, Russo-red, honey, reddish-brown, dark chestnut.
  2. The skin shines with health, but does not have a pink underpant, so the autumn ladies do not have a blush, but there is a playful scattering of bright freckles. Often, girls who belong to the "autumn", white-skinned: characterized by a transparent white, golden, beige-yellow, peachy tone. This skin tans badly, redness appears.
  3. The color of the eyes is different, but certainly not ordinary with a golden iris around the pupil.
  4. Eyelashes and eyebrows in girls, which can be classified as autumn color, are light, but thick.

Cvetotyp appearance winter

If we consider the color types of the female appearance, then winter is one of the most extraordinary options. The winter color appearance is full of contrast and expressiveness, cold beauty and saturated colors. Some of the representatives of the "winter" draw attention to the catchy, even somewhat exotic beauty:

  1. The hair is mostly dense, shiny, dark, burning-black, the color of the black wing, with a bluish tint, dark brown. Rare variant - white, platinum, ashy.
  2. The skin is variable: it can be very light (alabaster, porcelain) and swarthy (olive, swarthy-ashy).
  3. The eyes are fascinating with the beauty and contrast between the iris and the snow whiteness of the proteins. The color is characteristic of any, but necessarily juicy, bright.
  4. Eyelashes , as well as eyebrows, dark, dense.

Tsvetotip appearance spring

Color-types of appearance are multifaceted, and the variant "spring" confirms this. If the girl-winter appears in a luxurious form as a fatal beauty, then the girl of the spring type looks warm, radiant, cheerful. Sensual and gentle natures in a natural, natural form, where there are no dark tones, are rare. The spring colorotype of appearance is recognized by the following features:

  1. The ladies' hair is mostly light in warm colors: wheat, golden-brown, straw, amber, copper, light chestnut.
  2. The skin is very light, but without a noble blue, with a slightly reddening blush. There is a bronze tone and light freckles .
  3. Eyes , like all other elements of appearance, have only light shades: light green, blue, pale olive, honey. The same can be said about eyelashes with eyebrows.

Selection of clothes by color type

The theory of "seasons" in which the color patterns of the appearance of women are considered helps to select shades and colors ideal for a particular skin, hair and eyes in make-up and in clothing. And if you follow the recommendations for each color type, you can easily create an ideal image in which it is easy and original to combine even what is considered incompatible.

Color-type summer - colors in clothes

For girls of this type, the following colors are recommended:

  1. Do not give preference to saturated tones, muted shades are shown, although this does not in any way affect the various shades of pink.
  2. The basis of the onion can be a deep, but not bright blue, blue , turquoise, lemon tone, as well as shades of gray and purple, lavender.
  3. If you like warm tones, the main favorite should be a brown color, but it should be combined with bright "neighbors" to avoid dull bows.
  4. Clothes for color-type summer can be selected and monochromatic principle, when in one image several shades of the same color are combined.

Color-type autumn - colors in clothes

The bright type, which is an autumn girl, shows expressive tones, which, at the same time, will not overwhelm external data, but will emphasize them. The ideal palette is natural warm with inclusions of green color. It is better if the clothes for the color-type fall will be made in the following colors:

Tsvetotip winter - colors in clothes

The cold season was reflected in the color palette, in which it is necessary to flaunt the girl-"winter". Here you can fully surrender to the contrast in style, without fear of using white and black clothes. Winter beauties should combine a winning combination of black with a rich raspberry, magnificent emerald, chic azure colors. Emphasizes the beauty, which has a color-like winter, clothes of noble cold tones: ruby, purple, blue-gray, lemon. From red-orange shades, brown and gold color should be discarded.

Color-like spring - colors in clothes

The spring beauty comes bright and radiant tones with a predominantly warm color. To the person pastel shades, soft, gentle, calm: caramel, salmon, peach, sand, golden. You can experiment with different shades of red, orange, blue and violet. However, the clothes for the color-type spring should not be too dark not to worsen the complexion and make it dull and faded.