Cake with condensed milk in a frying pan

Thanks to the sharp-witted housewives, baking recipes have long ceased to arouse fear among beginners: most of the most popular delicacies have been adapted and simplified for the sake of reducing the time and effort spent on cooking. The so-called cakes in a frying pan can be attributed just to such uncomplicated recipes. If you do not have a full-fledged oven, or you just decided to make a multi-part dessert, having spent much less on your own resources, then take on the recipe of cakes with condensed milk in a frying pan from this material.

Recipe for a cake with condensed milk in a frying pan

How amazing it would not seem, but in fact the recipe for biscuit cakes for cooking on the stove does not differ in its composition from its counterparts baked in the oven. The key to the correct cooking on the burner lies in baking at minimal heat using utensils that hold well and distribute the heat evenly.


For the cake:

For impregnation:

For cream:


To prepare the cakes, connect all the dry ingredients together. Separately turn into a cream soft butter and sugar, add to this egg cream, one at a time, without stopping the mixer's stroke. Whip the dry mixture with the resulting cream and spread the dough into two frying pan of equal diameter, previously oiled the bottom and the walls of each of them. Place the frying pan on low heat, cover with a lid, and leave for 40-45 minutes. Check the preparedness and extend the baking for 10-15 minutes, if necessary.

Still hot cakes nail with a fork all over the surface and soak with a warmed-up mixture of condensed milk and cream. Let the cakes cool completely and then cover our simple cake with condensed milk, cooked in a frying pan with a cream of whipped cream with sugar and vanilla.

Fast cake "Napoleon" in a frying pan with condensed milk

"Napoleon" has always been associated with one of the most laborious desserts, until now, because we suggest you make a cake in a frying pan, the cakes for which are baked in the manner of ordinary pancakes.


For the cake:


Before you make a cake in a frying pan with condensed milk, put aside about half a glass of flour - it will be needed for cooking the cream. The rest of the flour should be poured in portions into a mixture of one egg and condensed milk, continuously whipping it. The finished dough is divided into 8 parts and thinly rolled. Each received cake fry in a dry hot frying pan for no more than 2-3 minutes. Uneven edges of the finished cakes cut and crumble.

The rest of the eggs are beaten into the saucepan, followed by sprinkling sugar and pour in the milk. Constantly stirring, brew the cream until thick, add the poured flour and a piece of butter. Once again, work the cream with a mixer. If you want to make a dessert recipe even faster, then the cake in a frying pan can be made with condensed milk and sour cream, using a mixture of the latter as a cream.

Cut the remaining crumbs, which we grinded from the uneven edges of the cake? They should decorate the cake outside. Like any Napoleon, this simple cake will need to be left to soak first at room temperature, and then cleaned in the cold all night before tasting.