How to eat and not get fat?

The problem of excess weight is becoming more acute year after year. The reasons for this are many - overeating, wrong choice of foods, passive lifestyle , habit of eating trouble with sweets, etc. To understand how to eat and not get fat, dieticians will help.

What kind of food gets fat?

Most people know that the main factor that causes completeness is the excessive consumption of sweets and flour products. However, one of the main reasons for excess weight in a lot of people - fast food. This food is affordable and very often not perceived by a person as a serious meal. Meanwhile, all fast food is extremely caloric - a hamburger, French fries and a glass of lemonade can practically cover the daily energy demand of a person.

The second reason why fast food is fat and women and men - a bad combination of fats and simple carbohydrates. It is from fatty carbohydrate food that the process of fat deposition increases catastrophically, and getting rid of excess weight gain is very difficult due to the fact that fast food is addictive and people eat it almost daily.

A bad combination of fats and carbohydrates is found not only in fast food, but also in many favorite dishes of various national cuisines. In the old days people spent a lot of calories on hard physical work, today they mostly work in the office, and at home they work at home appliances.

How to eat so as not to get fat?

In order not to get fat, you need to eat right. First of all, eliminate all excess fats: sausages, which are 40% fat, pork and other fatty meat. Food is best not to fry, but cook, bake or extinguish, tk. in the process of frying it is strongly impregnated with oil. Refuse and simple carbohydrates: sugar, baked goods, sweets, lemonades. Porridge, cereal bread, pasta from flour of solid grades belong to complex carbohydrates, they can be eaten, but best of all - in the morning and, naturally, without oils and other fats.

To eat a lot and not to get fat, choose low-calorie foods. Green vegetables, leaf salads, citrus fruits, pineapple, skimmed yogurt and cottage cheese, chicken breast, seafood - these foods contain few calories and can be eaten in fairly large quantities.

If you want to find out how much there is to not get fat, count your daily calorie rate. For example, you can use the formula Mifflin-San Jehore: weight in kilograms multiply by 10, add height in centimeters, multiplied by 6.25, subtract the age multiplied by 5 from the sum and subtract 161. The multiplied number is multiplied by your coefficient, and you get the daily calorie rate: