What to give the girl 11 years old?

Paraphrasing the words of a famous poem, you can say, it's hard work - to find a gift for a teenage girl. What to give a girl 11 years old, if at this age she, often, herself does not know what she most wants - a large teddy bear or a new collection of your favorite pop group?

Gift Ideas for Girls

First of all, not long before the event, to which the gift is timed, it is not superfluous to take an interest in the preferences of a teenage girl. A gift to a child of 11 years, and especially a girl, should not only and not so much please the parents (because it is practical), but to satisfy the interests of the young lady herself. Is your girl interested in sports? - donate sports equipment (as an option - a quality, perhaps branded, sports suit or sneakers), and if possible - a simulator.

The young woman of fashion will not refuse to go to the store to buy new clothes (especially in this case you can control her taste "delicacies"). Eleven-year-old girls are already well versed in the novelties of the cosmetic industry. Here to you and one more variant of a gift - qualitative age cosmetics. Of course, all kinds of jewelry are appropriate - a girl as an 11-year gift will be approached by elegant products made of precious metals (earrings, a thin ring, a chain with a small suspension).

Modern children almost from a diaper "are friends" with a different sort of computer equipment. So do not discount (of course, if you can afford it) the opportunity to present to the girl as a gift some newfangled gadget - a player with headphones, a mobile phone, a tablet .

And do not refuse absolutely from the idea to give the girl a doll for 11 years, but make this gift original and unusual - present her with an expensive collectible toy. Perhaps, your gift will serve as the beginning of a new hobby - creating a unique collection of dolls.