Gymnastics for ovulation of the uterus

Omission of the uterus is most often promoted by the lost elasticity of the pelvic muscles. The first symptom may be a pulling pain in the lower abdomen , but this woman can write off on PMS, inflammation, ovulation, or do not give it any value.

Later, difficulty urinating (or vice versa, urinary incontinence ), spotting outside the menstrual cycle, sensation of a foreign body in the vagina, pain during sexual intercourse is added.

When to start gymnastics when the uterus descends?

However, with a regular visit to the gynecologist, the doctor will inform the woman of the omission of the uterus at an early stage. In this case, the recovery may consist in the performance of special gymnastics with the omission of the uterus, therapeutic massage and further prevention. Exercises are aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, it is important to perform them regularly to obtain positive results.

How do I do gymnastics when I drop the uterus?

Medical gymnastics with the omission of the uterus positively affects the entire body. Here are some useful exercises.

  1. Keeping the process of urinating with the muscles of the vagina for a while.
  2. "A bike". Exercise is performed lying on the back. Rotate with raised legs bent at the knees.
  3. The retraction of the muscles of the vagina as if inside, holding in a voltage of 8-10 seconds and letting go back.
  4. In the posture of "birch" (standing on the shoulder blades, legs lean against the wall) perform alternate crossing of the legs, while straining the muscles of the vagina. Repeat should be at least 10 times.

Also, this gymnastics can be performed while lowering the internal organs. And in order not to have to take cardinal measures to restore the uterus, a woman should take less weight, adjust the diet to avoid constipation. And the more often you will perform gymnastics with the lowering of the walls of the uterus, the faster the organism will recover, and the feeling of discomfort will be lost.