Mesotherapy of the face - everything you wanted to know about the procedure

Mesotherapy is used in cosmetology for about five decades. This innovative method is an alternative to cosmetic surgery, as it gives excellent long-term results. Before resorting to mesotherapy, you should familiarize yourself with all the pros and cons of the procedure.

Mesotherapy of the face - what is it?

Mesotherapy of the face is a method of rejuvenation, which is based on the introduction into problem zones of active drugs (cocktails). Mesotherapy helps to cope with many cosmetic problems, but its main purpose today is to combat age-related manifestations. The main types of mesotherapy:

Non-injection mesotherapy of the face - what is it?

Among the admirers of mesotherapy of the face, the injection procedure is more known, which is called "beauty injections". Therefore, you can often hear the question: needle-free mesotherapy of the face - what is it. This type of procedure refers to the hardware methods and is considered the most safe, but inferior to the effectiveness of injection mesotherapy. The essence of the procedure is as follows: the cosmetologist applies a cocktail to the skin and begins the action with a special device that creates magnetic waves, thereby greatly increasing the penetration of useful substances deep into the skin.

The technique of non-injection mesotherapy of the face and at home is available. For your own cosmetic cabinet you need to buy special compounds with hyaluronic acid and mesoroller - a device consisting of a handle and a small roller with small spines (0.5 to 1 mm) made of surgical steel or with gold or silver spraying. Mesorollar make a facial massage after applying a cocktail. This procedure is available at a cost, but may be unsafe if the rules for conducting it are not met or the mesoroller and cocktail are not properly selected.

Mesotherapy face injections - what is it?

The one who asks the question - facial mesotherapy - that it is most likely not at all familiar with the method of injection (fractional) mesotherapy. This procedure is understood as special medical injections, delivering valuable substances to the middle layer of the skin. For the injections, special very thin needles penetrating to a depth of 1.5-3.9 mm are used. With the help of injections, useful substances are delivered directly to the destination, so the effect of injectable facial mesotherapy can compete with surgical methods.

Indications for mesotherapy

Immediately after the invention, injectable mesotherapy was used to treat pains, inflammations, skin diseases, vascular pathologies ( couperose , varicose veins, atherosclerosis ), diseases of ENT organs. Over time, mesotherapy has become more known as a cosmetic procedure to correct age-related changes and rejuvenation. All kinds of mesotherapy face effectively activate metabolic processes in skin cells, improve blood circulation and recovery processes.

With mild weaknesses, non-injection mesotherapy also works well, but it is impossible to remove deep wrinkles and folds by this method - it will take injections and specially selected preparations. Mesotherapy is shown for:

Mesotherapy - contraindications

The list of contraindications to mesotherapy of the face is small and includes for the most part only serious health problems. This is considered another advantage of the procedure. Mesotherapy facial - contraindications:

Mesotherapy procedure

Mesotherapy of the skin with different types of procedure is carried out in different ways. Before the injection of mesotherapy face cosmetologist performs anesthesia with a cream with lidocaine. Manual introduction of the medical-cosmetic preparation allows to achieve maximum efficiency and minimum traumatism, because only a specialist can more accurately and delicately get to the right place. In addition, when injected into the middle layer of the skin, a small cocktail reserve is created, which prolongs the effect of the procedure.

Non-injection - the apparatus - mesotherapy of the person is inferior in effectiveness to the injection method. But many problems, except for strongly pronounced age changes, are within its power. The procedure is carried out this way: first the doctor applies a therapeutic cocktail to the face, then uses a device that generates magnetic waves. The impact of the device several hundred times strengthens the penetration of useful cocktail components deep into the dermis. The instrumental mesotherapy of the face lasts 20-30 minutes, the full course is 5-6 procedures.

Non-injection mesotherapy with the help of mesoroller at home is carried out in the following stages:

  1. The skin is cleaned of dirt and make-up, it is wiped off with a remedy containing lidocaine.
  2. Mesorroll is disinfected by immersing the roller in alcohol.
  3. The preparation is applied to the skin of the face.
  4. With the help of the mesoroner, massage is performed (on massage lines) for 10-20 minutes.
  5. With the help of water, the drug is washed off, a soothing mask is applied to the face.
  6. The mesoroller is disinfected with alcohol, dried and cleaned until the next procedure.

Preparations for mesotherapy

Cocktails for mesotherapy differ in their composition, level of exposure and origin, in each case the cosmetologist determines the necessary preparation individually. The most used group is synthetic drugs created in the laboratory. The leader on demand is hyaluronic acid, on the basis of which moisturizing the skin and increasing its elasticity are created. There are also preparations based on plant and animal products, the second group includes very popular elastin and collagen.

Use in cocktails and vitamins - A, E, C, P and Group B, which have antioxidant properties and improve the appearance of the skin. Of the minerals for the drugs use phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and some others, in each specific case solving certain problems. From organic acids for mezo-cocktails, glycolic and pyruvic acids are particularly in demand, which accelerate the process of cell renewal.

Add to the preparations for mesotherapy and medications, which are needed to solve complex problems, for example, to eliminate pigmentation. Face and lipolitics are used for mesotherapy, fat-splitting substances, with which you can correct the oval of the face - get rid of the second chin and flew. In recent years, products of biotechnology, placenta and other components have become popular.

Apparatus for mesotherapy

For apparatus mesotherapy, apparatuses are used that are manufactured in England, France, and the United States. The most popular non-injection devices are Gezatone m9900, Young-in Oxygen Peel 028, Young-in HYDRO 013. There are also devices in which there are needles for mesotherapy. Such instruments provide precise depth punctures, but they can not be treated with delicate zones. South Korean devices DermaPen EDR-02, Raffine, My-M Micro Needle, X-Cure are used for the procedure.

Mesotherapy - is it painful?

The painfulness of the procedure is a subjective evaluation, someone does not suffer from negative sensations, someone suffers pain. The recall "facial mesotherapy is painful" often arises if the cosmetologist does not have the necessary qualifications to determine the necessity of using an anesthetic cream with lidocaine. According to many testers, the mesoroller is a painful procedure for the first use, and at subsequent injections it becomes addictive.

How often can I do facial mesotherapy?

Fractional mesotherapy of a person using a needle is traumatic. After such stress, the skin needs rest for at least a week, during which it is impossible to do warming up procedures, swim on the beach and in the pool, engage in active sports, apply makeup to the skin exposed to injections, smoke and drink alcohol. More precisely, the frequency of visits will be indicated by the cosmetologist taking into account individual factors. Home procedure mesorollerom can be done once a month.

Face after mesotherapy

Immediately after the procedure of mesotherapy, a woman can have reddening of the skin, puffiness, small bruises. All these minor troubles take place in 2-3 days. But after completing the full course of the procedure, facial mesotherapy, photos before and after show the high effectiveness of this type of rejuvenation. Even when using the non-injection method, the skin is tightened, aligned, its color and tone improves.

Face mesotherapy - for and against

Any woman in a certain period of life can think about whether to do mesotherapy. To solve this dilemma, you need to carefully read the proposals of beauty salons and get feedback from those who have already undergone a procedure by the cosmetologists working there.

Arguments against:

Arguments for: