Muddy water in the aquarium - effective means of combating the problem

This unpleasant phenomenon, like muddy water in the aquarium, causes a lot - from a bacterial outbreak to improper feeding of the inhabitants of the living corner. It looks like a vessel is unattractive, except for this environment is harmful to the inhabitants of the reservoir. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what is the source of the problem and to eliminate it.

Why is the water in the tank cloudy?

This trouble occurs for several reasons:

The water in the house is always alive. Its purity is a consequence of the interaction of algae, the inhabitants and the mass of bacteria. The time of the problem is important. Water may become cloudy during the first run of the underwater living corner or in a vessel with a long established biological balance. The second case is more dangerous, it shows that mistakes are made when caring for the underwater world. For example, aquarists often wonder why the water in the aquarium is green, even if it is replaced. And the cause may be an exaggeration of lighting and the development of algae.

Muddy water in the aquarium after launch

Often the water becomes turbid at the first launch of the vessel. This is due to the fact that it has not yet established a biological equilibrium. If after the start of the aquarium the water has become turbid, nothing to do is not necessary. In her several days single-celled organisms - infusoria, amoebae - multiply intensively. The water is white, as if milk was added to it. It is necessary to wait a little, and it will again be transparent.

At this time in the vessel can not be populated fish. After the microorganisms absorb all the edible organic for them, they will wither away (but partially) and the water will lighten. Their number remains at a level that is sufficient for the processing of organic food, supplied with fish food. There is a steady biological balance, which must last for years.

Muddy water after restart of the aquarium

A poor-quality cleaning system can become a response to the question of why in the aquarium muddy water, with a filter in the vessel, too, complications arise. Sometimes it clogs, ceases to clean microscopic garbage, the device needs to be washed and cleaned. An additional layer in the device will improve the straining system. If the growth of nitrates is noticed in the vessel (in the norm, their index is 0), the population of colored bacteria increases. Then the tank is left alone for a week - do not feed the fish, do not clean the filter. Waste of inhabitants will allow to develop useful bacteria and water should be cleared.

The water in the aquarium becomes turbid after the substitution

The same problem (turbid water in the aquarium) occurs if the vessel completely replace water or most of it. To biological equilibrium is established faster, it is necessary to supplement the container with a part of the liquid from the old reservoir. This will accelerate the multiplication of harmless organisms for this living place. Most of the water can not be replaced - the procedure does more harm than good. It knocks down biological balance - there is turbid water in the aquarium after the substitution. It is recommended to update to one third of the total fluid volume once a week.

Why does the water in the aquarium with fish quickly become turbid?

In overpopulated aquariums, too, turbidity may occur, especially if there are few plants in it. In such a vessel, the metabolic products are the nutrient medium for the unicellular mass. If the water becomes turbid in the aquarium with a lot of fish, plant extra individuals. Otherwise, this will lead to massive loss of life. The rule of settling: one liter of liquid one centimeter of fish. That is, in a ten-liter vessel you can start 2-3 small-sized fish.

If you overfeed your pets, the environment will become dirty. It is important to ensure that the food is eaten by fish in 10-15 minutes, the rest will settle on the bottom and cause the growth of putrefactive bacteria. Here the rule is that it is better to eat less than an overabundance of food. If the reduction in nutrition does not help, you can not give the inhabitants 2-3 days - the harmful bacteria will die.

In the aquarium with ampullaria, water rapidly becomes turbid

Snails of ampullaria scrape green from the walls of the vessel, eat food from the ground. With them, the pond becomes cleaner, but there are also problems. When asked why the water becomes turbid in the aquarium and stinks, if there are ampularia in it, the answer is the saddest - dead individuals. If such a large snail died and began to decompose, harmful biomass appears in the water. It can lead to the death of fish. Therefore, if the ampullaria remains stationary for a day, it is better to check whether it is alive or not, in case of death, delete it. If the vessel is not cleaned sufficiently, a population of snails can be increased.

Turbulent water in the aquarium at the turtle

Often the water in an aquarium with turtles becomes turbid. Such inhabitants have a significant body weight in comparison with fish, consume a lot of food that can get to the bottom and rot. They also allocate more waste. These causes, along with the overfeeding of the individuals, lead to the permanent presence of organics residues in the water and reproduction of rotting bacteria. In a vessel with turtles it is recommended to put two filters, remove the remains of food 15 minutes after eating. Water in a turtle tank should be replaced more often than in a pond with fish.

Muddy water from the sand in the aquarium

Suspension of soil particles is the most innocuous cause of turbidity in the aquarium. It is encountered when replacing a liquid or first launching a reservoir. Pouring water on the sand, you can raise its small particles, which float for a long time, creating a cloud effect. After the suspension has settled, the environment will again become clear. Often muddy water in the aquarium from the ground occurs in the owners voyalehvostov, cichlids, goldfish, which are constantly digging in the bottom substrate. In this case, strong filtration and soil cleaning with a siphon will help.

Sometimes the sand is so small that it does not sink to the bottom, it is very harmful for fish. It is better to use coarse-grained composition. In addition, the sand before use should be rinsed, boiled, to clean the contaminants and bacteria that cause the multiplication of unicellular. Gravel often stains water - if pink soil is used and the environment has acquired a reddish hue, activated charcoal will help.

Mutnets water in the aquarium - what to do?

To find out how to remove turbid water in the aquarium, you need to understand the cause of the phenomenon. About it can be judged by the color of the medium formed in the body of water:

Remedy for turbid water in the aquarium

There are preparations for the chemical treatment of turbid water in the aquarium, which can make it crystal clear. They should be used in cases of extreme necessity and use the means of one manufacturer, so that no dangerous reactions occur. The most famous mixtures are:

  1. Tetra. Has a wide range of products, they save from all kinds of turbidity. The Bactozym conditioner will help to quickly establish bacterial balance. With the drug Biocoryn, the fight against green water in the aquarium is effective, it prevents the reproduction of algae;
  2. ZMF. The product protects against the biological decay of organic matter, prevents such diseases as rot and fungus damage. It makes aggressive tap water suitable for fish habitation.