How to prepare a child for school - tips for parents

At the age of 5-6 years old, the baby must be prepared for school so that the new life period does not cause him great stress. This applies not only to the development of the child's intellectual skills, but also to his physical training, as well as an explanation of what is happening, from a moral point of view.

In this article you will find the advice of a psychologist and advice to parents how to prepare a child for school independently without referring to qualified specialists.

What should a child know and be able to do when entering the first grade?

To successfully master the school curriculum, the kid must have certain skills. Many mothers and fathers naively believe that in school their son or daughter should teach everything. Undoubtedly, the duties of teachers and teachers are to teach children certain subjects, but in general the parents should take care of the full development of their child and their good performance.

In addition, entering the first class, the kid should not lag behind the level of development from his peers, otherwise all his forces will be directed not at obtaining new knowledge, but at improving those skills that he could not get earlier. Very often for this reason, children start falling behind their classmates even more, which inevitably entails a poor performance of the child in school, as well as severe stress and disability.

Approximately in 5-6 years, objectively evaluate the knowledge and skills of your child, in time to teach him some skills before entering school. So, by the age of 7, the baby should call:

In addition, a child at this age should understand and understand the difference between:

Finally, the first-grader must be able to:

How to prepare a child for school psychologically?

To help a child learn the skills necessary for teaching in school is not so difficult. It is enough to give 10-15 minutes each day for classes with a child. In addition, you can always take advantage of any development tools, and also look like special preparatory courses.

It is much more difficult to prepare a baby from a psychological point of view. Especially this applies to those parents who have experienced manifestations in their son or daughter of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Such children may find it very difficult to recognize and accept the new changes that have affected their lives.

As a rule, the following advice and recommendations of professional psychologists help to prepare mentally for the child's school, including the hyperactive one:

  1. For a few months before September 1, lead the kid to walk closer to the school and be sure to arrange a tour, explaining in detail everything related to training.
  2. Tell funny stories about your life in school. Do not frighten your child with strict teachers and bad grades.
  3. In advance, teach the child to collect a backpack and put on a school uniform.
  4. Gradually make changes to the regime of the day - put the crumb to sleep early and teach to get up early. Especially it concerns those children who do not go to kindergarten.
  5. Finally, you can play with your child to school. Let him depict first the negligent student, and then the strict teacher. Such story-role games are usually very popular with girls.