Simoron rituals for attracting men

Simoron is even a sin to call magic. So, joking spells, which for some reason act, are created for those who are afraid to penetrate into the essence of occult techniques, and having confused in the love potions' paws with chicken combs, bring on themselves not love of the betrothed, but treason.

But remember: although Simoron and joking technique, causing smiles, Simoron rituals to attract men will only work when you believe in them with all your heart.

Slippers and Simoron

If you do not wait for the arrival of the main man of your life in the house, make sure that everything is ready for his arrival. Including, get him slippers. There is such a special Simoron ritual with slippers that will bring your chosen one to your house, whose leg will be cast as in slippers. By the way, we remember the fairy tale about Cinderella.

So, to implement the Simoron ritual to attract love in the new moon we go and buy men's slippers. Do not choose what's horrible, and in any case, do not skimp. You should see slippers and fall in love. At the same size, do not concentrate, it will get you by the hand.

Next, slippers should be "bitten" in the corridor for three days. Do not let anyone carry them.

After that, at midnight, open the front door to the apartment, stand in the corridor on all fours, and put on your hands slippers. The direction of your movement and the slippers themselves should be inside the house, as if you just entered them through the door. You should stamp your hands three times and scream, "The betrothed-mummer, without bad habits, appear!" And it will appear ...


In general, all the new Simoron rituals contain the word "Appear!". Wait for a letter or a call, say, order "Appear!". Looking for keys - "Appear!". You can also in the morning getting up to say "Liked appear!"

Perhaps the main trump card of this magic is visualization , increasing confidence that it will appear, as well as humorous and good mood, which is created thanks to such cute sorcerous techniques.

Description of rituals

  1. "Get married" - inside the house on the front door or door to the bedroom we attach the sign "Get married".
  2. Visualize the fairy tales, in this case, "The Princess Frog". We fill the bath and throw there dill, sea kale, parsley - in general, marsh mud. We dress in green, like a frog. We cook arrows from twigs. We take an arrow in the teeth, sit with her in the bath for 10 minutes. Next, we wash off all the marsh living creatures from ourselves, and we always carry the arrow with us (for the prince to recognize), for example, in his purse.
  3. Write an order to confer on you a suitor. "I order you to give such and such a man, corresponding to all her demands ... (list). Signature, date. " The signature should be some important person (you forge it) - the president, the chief, the minister, the Lord God.