Stretch ceilings in the bedroom

A bedroom in any house is a special, intimate space. In the bedroom, a person spends a considerable number of hours. People here not only sleep, in this room we can just relax, relax, read before going to bed or watch TV. Important is the ceiling of the bedroom, its color and the material from which it is made. Today, the so-called stretch ceiling is quite relevant.

What are its features and advantages?

First, the design of stretch ceilings is extremely diverse for a room like a bedroom. Secondly, such a ceiling looks elegant and harmonious, it gives the bedroom a special, unique gloss. And thirdly, it excellently creates a soundproofing, is a hypoallergenic material, prevents the appearance of mold and does not attract dust.

Stretch ceilings can be single-level and two-level, for a small bedroom a simple one is better, which will increase the space. And in a large bedroom, a multi-level ceiling looks good, which makes it possible for your fantasy to fade.

Among the options of stretch ceilings are distinguished satin and glossy , which will create in the bedroom a suitable atmosphere for you.

And the ceiling is shining!

As for the lighting of stretch ceilings, it is believed that in the bedroom it should be soft and slightly scattered, this backlighting guarantees a complete rest and peace. The uniqueness of stretch ceilings is that with the help of competent distribution of lamps on them, the bedroom can be divided into a recreation area and a sleeping place as such. This is done in conjunction with a two-level floor: note the line of partitioning the levels of the floor next to the lamps on the ceiling, this gives an amazing effect.

Color stretch ceiling is determined by the design of the bedroom. Very chic look black stretch ceiling, but in the bedroom it is better to combine it with other colors. A win-win option is considered to be a combination of black and white, with other colors the bedroom will look depressing.

Very appropriate in the bedroom stretch ceiling is purple, this color is preferred by intellectuals and romantics, but it should not be very saturated.

In conclusion, I want to advise: choose a stretch ceiling for the bedroom, not only in accordance with the interior, but also with your nature.