An animal newt

Now more and more people want to keep exotic animals and fish at home. But at the same time they want the animals not to require special care and were not very whimsical. Often buyers choose their newts. In order to understand how the newt looks, you can remember the lizards. These animals are similar in some ways, but the newts live in water, and they do not have a split in their tongue.

Characteristics of the species

An animal newt is referred to a detachment of amphibians from the family of real salamanders. They can live both on land and in water. The body length of these amphibians is 20 centimeters. Their skin is warty. If a newt lives in water, its skin is shiny and smooth. Siblings who lead a terrestrial lifestyle have rough skin. During the breeding season, they have a crest near the tail. The color of the covers can be brown, greenish, olive. The description of newts is incomplete, if one does not recall its ability to regenerate. If a newt is torn off a paw, then in time it will grow.

Triton species

The most common type of newt is the needley or, as it is also called, the Spanish newt. This species is characterized by endurance, relative unpretentiousness, and therefore it is recommended that they be started by novice aquarists.

The Chinese dwarf red-bellied newt is different from the Spanish skin color and tail length. If the needle has a newt the tail is half the body, then it is much smaller in the Chinese newt.

Short-tailed newt is a water kind. He predatory, often in conflict with relatives, so they recommend to keep in pairs: male male. There are comb, Asia Minor, common and tilotritones.

Triton content

These amphibians are unpretentious in conditions of detention. The temperature, which is acceptable for them, ranges from 14 to 25 degrees. Optimal contain them at 21-24 degrees. Additional heating for the aquarium is not needed, as they are cold-blooded, and overheating can lead to illness or death.

In the aquarium, several newts can live, except for predatory species that can not be tolerated by the company. But it is recommended to calculate the space of the aquarium so that 15 liters of water per one newt enters, then they will feel comfortable. Water, which will be poured into the aquarium, can not be taken from the tap. Boiled and filtered water, too, should not be used. It is better to let the water settle for a couple of days and then pour into the aquarium. The filter will help to maintain the purity of water, but the aerator for newts is not needed. They swim up to breathe. In the aquarium, where the newts live, you can not soil, just enough granite chips. Plants can be chosen unpretentious. It is important to place a driftwood, a house or other decoration under the water. And this is done not only for beauty, but also for the newt to hide. He does not like being constantly in sight, and from time to time he wants to retire, hiding from prying eyes.

Triton is an unpretentious animal. But often people who first start this pet, ask what the newts eat. Here everything is simple - feed for newts do by cutting small moths, flies, earthworms. In general, it is the wrong diet and

care causes diseases of the newt.

Reproduction of newts

Tritons are ready for reproduction when they are one year old. During mating games, these animals can make croaking sounds. During mating, the newts swim, as if embracing. After the mating process comes to an end, the female lays about 1000 eggs.

It can be concluded that caring for a newt does not require much effort. Therefore, if you are a fan of exotic animals, but do not have experience of their content, the newts are exactly what you need.