Circumference of the abdomen during pregnancy - the norm for weeks

One of the important parameters that is subjected to constant monitoring during pregnancy is the abdominal circumference (OC), calculated by weeks of gestation and compared with the norm. It is this indicator that allows us to estimate the size of the fetus on a specific date without a hardware study and draw a conclusion about the pace of its development. Let's look at this parameter in more detail and talk about how the abdominal circumference changes during the weeks of pregnancy, and we also present a table on which doctors rely when comparing the values ​​obtained with the norm.

From what date do you start to measure this parameter and how does it change?

As is known, approximately during the first 12-13 weeks of gestation the bottom of the uterus is located in the cavity of the small pelvis. This is why the uterus, which is actively growing in size, is not yet palpable. For the first time, its bottom is fixed at the 14th week of pregnancy. It is from this moment and slowly begins to increase the stomach.

Now, at each visit, doctors at the pregnant woman perform palpation of the uterine fundus and measure the circumference of the abdomen with a centimeter band. In this case, the values ​​are entered into the exchange card.

It should be noted that the abdominal circumference, which varies in the weeks of pregnancy, depends not only on the size of the fetus, but also on such parameters as the volume of amniotic fluid.

In what cases can the coolant be less than normal?

In those cases when, after measuring the abdominal circumference of a pregnant woman, the values ​​do not correspond to the accepted norms, doctors prescribe additional diagnostics. The main reasons for the development of such a situation can be such violations as:

  1. Malodode. Diagnosis of this violation can be exclusively through the behavior of ultrasound.
  2. Inaccuracy of measurements. This fact is completely impossible to exclude, especially when the measurements were performed by different doctors or a doctor, and then by a nurse, for example.
  3. Malnutrition. In some cases, pregnant women can follow a diet, for example, because of the strong manifestations of toxicosis, which affects the weight of their body.
  4. Hypertrophy of the fetus. With this type of pathology, the future baby has smaller dimensions than it should be, i.e. there is a delay in development.

Because of what the circumference of the abdomen may be greater?

Often during pregnancy, during monitoring of OJ for weeks and comparing values ​​with the table, it turns out that the parameter exceeds the norm. Most often this is noted when: