Braxton Hicks Breaking - Description

Braxton Hicks contractions are experienced by many women, beginning with the second or third trimester of pregnancy. These fights do not pose a threat to the future mother and her fetus. At the same time, experts in the field of obstetrics and gynecology to this day can not give a single answer about the cause of their appearance and the effect on the female body.

Braxton Hicks contractions are considered " training ", because they do not lead to the opening of the uterus . Also, false bouts improve the flow of blood to the placenta and, in some way, prepare the woman's body for future childbirth.

How to determine the cause of Braxton Hicks contractions?

Among the factors that increase the likelihood of their occurrence, the excessive activity of pregnancy of a woman or fetus, lack of fluid, a full bladder is called. Also, sexual intimacy can provoke false bouts.

How are Brexton Hicks's struggles manifested? It:

But this is not an exhaustive description of Braxton Hicks contractions. After all, each woman is individual and the manifestation of them can have its own specifics. However, the key moment in determining Braxton Hicks contractions is irregular and not the intensity of pain.

Unlike Braxton Hicks contractions, the symptoms of labor contractions are of a different nature. First of all, real bouts show themselves acute pain and rhythm. Their regularity does not subside, but the frequency and intensity increase.

What to do during false bouts?

In order to remove discomfort and stop the "training" battles Braxton Hicks, experts recommend a rest, a change in body position, a warm bath. Also, it's good for a pregnant woman to try to drink more fluids.

Do not be scared if, with the course of pregnancy, the contractions will become more intense or painful. Braxton Hicks contractions are always felt as irregular contractions of the uterus.

It is necessary to go urgently to the hospital if:

Braxton Hicks contractions are not a cause for undue concern. Do breathing exercises - this will help with the onset of real births. Believe that everything will be fine and soon your life will be filled with the happiness of motherhood!