Dry nose in a cat - reasons

The careful owner pays attention to the slightest changes in the condition and behavior of his pet - a cat or a cat. And the most inexperienced of them show excessive anxiety, if the cat has a dry nose, are looking for the cause of this phenomenon.

Why does the cat have a dry nose?

Having determined that a cat or cat has a warm dry nose, first of all do not panic and observe the behavior of your pet. Maybe a cute feline creature just woke up. For cats, dryness of the nose is a normal reaction to awakening. The same dryness of the nose can be observed in the cat after active games, running and the like. Since the temperature of a cat is slightly higher than that of a person (about two degrees), the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the body (nose including) of this small animal under active actions occurs more intensively - that's the reason for the dry and warm nose. Small, very harmless, deviations in health can also become a temporary cause of dryness of the nose. For example, overwork, overeating, excess wool in the digestive tract (cats swallow wool during licking) can cause a slight increase in temperature and, as a consequence, the nose in a cat can become warm and dry. Do not worry, it will pass by itself.

The cat has a hot, dry nose

But the dryness and hot nose of an animal can be an alarming symptom of this or that disease . Measure the temperature of your pet in the traditional way. If it (temperature) lasts a long time, while the animal still sleeps a lot, lost its appetite, apathetic, thick and opaque discharge from the nose - immediately seek help from a doctor. Only the doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Watch the behavior of your furry friend and do not skimp on extra minutes of attention to him.