Mexican Hairless Dog

Mexican naked dog or xoloitzcuintle is a very rare and ancient breed. It is known that it was bred in Mexico as a cult dog and in the translation from the Aztec language its name means "the dog of the god Sholotl". But despite the approach of the dog to God, people used them for food, and also used for medical purposes - instead of a warmer.

The dog is unusual in its kind - the sweat glands in it are located throughout the body, unlike its counterparts, who have only on their paws and tongue. Also, Xolo has no molar teeth.

Contrary to the name "naked", the breed exists in two varieties - naked and covered with wool. In a bare dog, the skin is dense, elastic, and in the "downy" - a dense short wool coat. And the one and the other species have remarkable proportions, which are perfectly visible.

Mexican dogs vary in size. Mexican naked mini dog at the withers reaches 25 cm and is an excellent companion friend. A medium-sized dog grows to 36-45 cm at the withers, the standard dog grows to 46-55 cm. Dogs of this size are considered watchdogs.

Contents of a Mexican naked dog

With dogs of this breed there are no special difficulties, they are convenient for home keeping. You just need to know their specific features:

  1. The body temperature of the Mexican naked is 40 ° C, and this is the norm.
  2. Vaccinations are mandatory, despite the fact that xolo have good immunity since birth.
  3. Very often they do not have a full set of teeth, but almost always have incisors and molars. They find it difficult to chew large pieces of meat or beef. It is necessary to feed the dog with dog food, treat with bones and veins to strengthen the teeth. But raw meat must be in the diet of the dog - it's a source of protein, it just needs to be crushed.
  4. Vitamins containing calcium are mandatory in the diet of xoloytskuintli. This dog is necessary for the development of teeth and bones.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to the ears, which ideally should hang around. Puppies Mexican naked dogs with a three-month age for fixing the ears use a plaster. He will not cause harm to the animal, especially since this procedure should be done with interruptions - we fix it for 2 days, we rest for 1 day.


The lack of hair is an advantage for the owner, but the tender skin needs protection and nutrition. It can dry, cause pain to the animal, and therefore the proper care of the skin of a Mexican naked dog is very important. After bathing, it should be ground with almond oil or any other, but not edible, as the dog will lick it off from itself. You can not use cooking oil - the skin can burn in the sun.

For many people, the Mexican naked dog seems weak and pampered. This is not true. Xolo - sufficiently hardy and strong, mobile, can withstand both heat and cold. Owners who do not walk with their pets during the cold season make a mistake. That animals were less susceptible to diseases, they must necessarily walk in any weather and try to spend time walking in active games.

Despite the fact that the character of every Mexican naked dog is individual, they are all friendly, not aggressive, not cowardly, love their owners, jealously and with distrust relate to strangers in the house. These dogs are of high intelligence.

If you decide to get a smart and graceful, at the same time, mobile and cheerful four-legged friend, pay attention to the Mexican naked dog. She does not require serious care, cleanliness, loves children, rarely gets sick, unusual. Xolo gives you a lot of positive emotions.