Signs of schizophrenia in men - behavior

The first signs of schizophrenia in men can be seen in behavior, but the reasons for the appearance of this disease have not yet been fully explored. A large number of possible symptoms of this disease is explained by the fact that damage to brain cells can occur in any area.

Causes of the disease

According to doctors, schizophrenia in men can develop in any period from 15 to 50 years. The most complex and dangerous cases are attributed to the early onset of the disease in adolescence or adolescence, tk. processes of degradation in the cerebral cortex, aggravated by hormonal changes in the body, can lead to a complete loss of clarity of thinking and outbursts of aggression with age.

The doctors have been searching for the reasons for the development of schizophrenia for many years. The most likely theories are:

  1. Bad heredity. It is proved that in adolescence schizophrenia often appears in people whose relatives have individuals with this disease. Doctors suppose that the presence of the "schizophrenia gene" causes disturbances in the development of the brain even in the prenatal period.
  2. Viral infections. Some infections can pass the protective (blood-brain barrier) and damage the cerebral cortex, causing cell degeneration.
  3. Autoimmune processes. Disturbances in the work of immunity can lead to the fact that the mechanisms of protection begin to destroy the body, including cells of the brain.

The main signs of schizophrenia in behavior in men

One of the first signs of schizophrenia in men in behavior is a sharp and unreasonable change in color preferences. Next, close people can notice that the person's thinking becomes unconventional, and logical chains are peculiar. When schizophrenia is seriously affected by adaptive behavior, i.e. a sick person can not control his space-time activity, his activity does not correspond to the pursued goal .

In the future, the patient has such symptoms:

The diagnosis of schizophrenia is made when the patient has several symptoms. Some types of this disease are more typical of certain symptoms:

The frequency of attacks of schizophrenia is paroxysmal and sluggish (the remaining forms are the varieties of these two major). The paroxysmal form is characterized by alternation of outbreaks of the disease with calm periods. Behavior in sluggish schizophrenia is always permanent, and the symptoms of the disease are more flattened.

Doctors say that schizophrenia is now more common in men than in women. The reason for this is gender. Men are more likely to drink alcohol and drugs, more often get brain injuries. All these injuries can also provoke the onset of the disease.