Grass Ivan-tea - medicinal properties

Among the traditional medicine, a special place is occupied by the medicinal plant Ivan-tea. Consider its useful properties, ways of making this herb and the actions to be taken on the human body.

Benefit of Ivan-tea

A drink made from the leaves of the Ivan-tea plant has many useful properties:

Apparently, the benefits of Ivan tea are invaluable for all body systems and contribute to the maintenance of health, both men and women.

How to prepare Ivan-tea?

First, of course, you need to collect Ivan-chukotka in an ecologically clean area.
  1. Clean leaves should be spread by a layer of 4-5 cm on cotton cloth in a room with fresh air. Ivan tea periodically needs to be turned over for a day, until the leaves become sluggish.
  2. After the wilting process, it is necessary to twist the leaves between the palms, pushing the grass slightly with hands until it darkens from the juice that has come out.
  3. The twisted leaves of the Ivan-tea curative herb should be carefully laid in specially prepared enamel utensils with a wide bottom, then covered with a dense wet cloth and left for fermentation for 12 hours in a warm place.
  4. At the end of the allotted time, it is necessary to lay the fermented twisted leaves on a special sieve or mesh with a layer of 1-1.5 cm. Dry Ivan-tea is necessary at a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius until the leaves turn black and brown and become completely dry , recalling the consistency of ordinary black tea.

Store the ready-made Ivan-tea in a glass container with a tight lid at room temperature.

How to prepare Ivan-tea?

Brewing a drink from Ivan-tea should be followed by simple rules:

  1. Give a boiling water kettle for brewing, pour in it 1-2 teaspoons of grass.
  2. Pour the container with the tea with boiling water.
  3. Wrap the kettle with a warm cloth, allow the solution to steep for 15 minutes.
  4. Stir the contents of the teapot with a wooden spoon, let stand for another 5-6 minutes.

Preparation of Ivan tea is like brewing ordinary tea, but to enhance the medicinal properties of the drink, you can add to it dried rose hips, lemon balm or mint.

It is worth noting that the first brew can be used twice more, neither the taste qualities nor the medicinal properties of medicinal tea from this will worsen.

Harm from Ivan-tea

Ivan-tea has no contraindications. It can be consumed regardless of age and disease. The only reason to abandon this curative drink may be an individual intolerance to this medicinal plant. The main thing is to observe in all measure and not try to engage in self-medication.