31 weeks of pregnancy - fetal movement

By the third trimester, a woman waiting for the birth of a child is already familiar with the sensation as her baby pushes. The future mother knows very well at what time of day and in what situations the baby begins to stir more actively, and with the slightest deviations from the known regime begins to worry.

Already at the 31st week of pregnancy, the fetal movement can be so active that future parents can see the handle or leg on the mother's abdomen. It is during this period that a woman marks the maximum motor activity of a crumb. Starting from this time, a woman should closely monitor her feelings.

To help the future mother, there are various methods to determine if your baby is moving normally. Let us cite one of them.

D. Pearson's test on fetal movement

This method involves monitoring the movements of the child in the period from 9 to 21 hours. The future mother marks in the special table the time of the beginning of the counting of the perturbations, fixing any jolts, kicks, upheavals of the baby - all but hiccups; and adds to the table the time of the tenth stirring as the end time of the count.

The results are evaluated according to the following principle:

31-32 weeks of pregnancy is the optimal period for assessing fetal movements and performing similar tests. It was at this time that the child was already sufficiently formed, and in the womb it is still spacious and has enough room for active movements. After 36 weeks, the baby will become cramped and you will not be able to feel such strong and frequent jolts.

Do not forget that the character of the fetal movements at the 31st week of pregnancy depends on the temperament of the crumbs and its mood. If the baby is too much raged, try to include calm classical music to help him calm down.