Flower "male happiness" - signs and superstitions

Particularly interesting are houseplants that have received "talking" names: female and male happiness. About the latter today, and will talk, because the flower of male happiness has its own signs, just related directly to it. True, here appears the common name of the plant, while its real "name" is an anturium .

Signs associated with the flower

  1. It is believed that this plant with bright red flowers must appear in the house of a woman who dreams of a life companion: it is believed that it attracts the male energy, which prompts the appearance in the near future of her house and the representative of the stronger sex.
  2. It is believed that male happiness is a flower that indicates not only good signs for women, but also for married couples, as with his participation the relations between spouses are harmonized, trust and mutual understanding grow.
  3. Connoisseurs will accept that the appearance of this flower in the house enhances man's energy and helps to strengthen the health of men.
  4. In order for peace and harmony to settle in your apartment, and the spouses live in peace and harmony, the flower of man's happiness, as asserted by signs and superstitions, should not be bought, but presented, and better - together with another flower - spathiphyllum, also - "female happiness". It is important that the flower was courted directly by the person to whom he was given: in this case, you can get the expected result.

Do not forget about the medicinal properties of this houseplant, which contributes to the normalization of the cardiovascular system.

It must be remembered that all the useful properties of this flower can manifest only if it is alive. No matter how beautiful and effective is the artificial anthurium flower, it remains dead and will not be able to fulfill your desires.