Dishwashers - dimensions

If you're not a fan of dishwashing , then you just need a dishwasher on the farm, but it's up to you to decide how much it costs to install it. How to choose them correctly in your particular situation, we will guide you in this material.

Variants of the sizes of dishwashers

So, what are the sizes of dishwashers? Currently, manufacturers offer their customers only three sizes. The standard size is 60х60х85, the size is narrow 45х60х85 and compact 45х55х45. It should be noted that the size often directly depends on the set of functions, economy and quality of the washed dishes. It is especially important to choose the right dimensions when purchasing an integrated dishwasher. Now let's look at each of the dimensions of this unit separately to assess their pros and cons.

Is it a large or small dishwasher?

  1. The standard dishwasher is 60x60x85. Such a machine makes sense to acquire large families, consisting of more than four people. Just imagine, at one time this unit is able to wash from 10 to 14 sets of dishes! Thus, it is possible to easily eliminate the consequences of a small feast for a single call. It should immediately be noted that such machines are the most expensive of all, but at the same time they are the most economical, which is important in the long term. Their performance is enormous, dishwashers of overall dimensions wash the dishes best, have the largest set of the most diverse options. Some models can be run at half load in the economy mode. The built-in dishwasher can also have such large dimensions, but for this your kitchen should be simply huge.
  2. The most popular sizes of installation dishwashers, which are considered the most convenient, are the dimensions 45x60x85. They can be installed in almost any kitchen set, and they retain most of the set of functions of dishwashers of standard sizes. The only downside is that they wash dishes a bit worse than their large counterparts. Their power is enough to wash six to eight sets of dishes per person per wash. But, nevertheless, this dishwasher has the optimum dimensions for installation, since it is desirable to install it on the left or right side of the sink. The advantage is that it is mounted without problems, even if the sink is located right in the corner of the kitchen.
  3. The dishwasher with the minimum dimensions (45x55x45) is suitable for small kitchens. It will be convenient to put it on a table, a kitchen cupboard or even a hanging cupboard. The advantages of this design include its compactness and low cost, but such dishwashers have the greatest water consumption, extremely a limited set of functions, and based on this and the quality of cleaned dishes they have the lowest. Usually, in order to achieve a satisfactory cleanliness of the plates, it is necessary to start the wash cycle repeatedly.

As you can understand, each of the types of modern dishwashers has a number of advantages and disadvantages, but I would like to note that if your choice is based only on the amount of funds that you are willing to pay for this device, then it's more reasonable to give a little money or buy on credit suitable model. If your family is large (4 or more members), then buying a small dishwasher will be irrational, because the cost of water supply will jump to a sky-high altitude. That's where size really matters.