Hemolytic Staphylococcus aureus

Hemolytic staphylococcus is a bacterium that can cause infection-inflammatory reactions. This is a conditionally pathogenic microorganism. He received this naming, because he can provoke purulent processes. The bacterium itself can reach 1.3 μm in size. As a rule, the staphylococcus are lodged in groups that seem to resemble grape clusters.

Ways of infection with hemolytic staphylococcus

Infection occurs only after direct contact with the microorganism. The most common ways of spreading the bacteria are as follows:

Staphylococcus enters the air when the infected person coughs, and sometimes just talks. After that, he can settle on household items, food, personal things.

"Hook up" hemolytic staphylococcus - staphylococcus haemolyticus - there are more chances for those people who do not observe basic hygiene standards. Disposable factors are also considered to be:

Symptoms of hemolytic staphylococcus

These bacteria can cause diseases such as:

For a long time - while the immune system regularly corrects its duties - the microorganism can not manifest itself in any way. Immunity simply suppresses the activity of bacteria. In this case, even tests do not show the presence of staphylococcus hemolytic. And if you find it all the same and succeed, the content will be minimal - safe for health.

When the body weakens, bacteria immediately begin to multiply. They spread to the respiratory tract, penetrate into different organs and skin. If the hemolytic staphilococcus is in the blood, it begins to destroy the red blood cells.

Of the visible symptoms of the microorganism can be distinguished as follows:

Diagnosis and treatment of hemolytic staphylococcus

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to determine which species of bacteria to deal with. The strain of hemolytic staphylococcus is determined in the sowing taken from the patient's throat. This is necessary for the selection of a suitable antibacterial agent.

A distinctive characteristic of the microorganism is that it adapts quite quickly to different drugs. Therefore, starting treatment, you need to be prepared for what is possible, several times the drugs will have to be replaced.

To cure hemolytic staphylococcus in the nose help:

Prevention of Staphylococcus aureus

In fact, to warn infection with the bacterium is not so difficult:

  1. Always follow the rules of personal hygiene.
  2. Try to avoid self-treatment with antibiotics.
  3. Take regular mineral-vitamin complexes.
  4. Often ventilate the premises in which you live, and do wet cleaning in them.
  5. Do not ignore chronic diseases. As soon as possible, start their treatment.