Attention Deficit Syndrome

Over the syndrome of attention deficit, many psychologists, psychoneurologists and neuropathologists work. They are trying to find out the reason for the increase in the number of children with immaturity of attention function, and also to find effective ways of treating this condition.

Under attention deficit disorder is understood as a neurological-behavioral personality disorder characterized by an inability to concentrate attention. This disorder is referred to as congenital. Often it is combined with hyperactivity.

While the kid does not go to school, excessive mobility and disobedience can be perceived as a feature of personality. But when a child goes to the first class, these characteristics of his behavior become a hindrance to learning. It is in the first grade that the parents of this child first hear about the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

This problem is inherent in a large number of students. From 5 to 10% of pupils in primary and secondary schools are not able to concentrate fully and for a long time, find a common language with classmates, behave and learn well. Of the 10 hyperactive children, 9 will be male. It turns out that in almost every class there are 1-3 children with this syndrome.

Symptoms of attention deficit disorder

Some symptoms may be common in primary school children. About the manifestations of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be said in the event that most of the symptoms are present.

There are such symptoms of attention deficit disorder:

Causes of attention deficit disorder

The reasons for the appearance of this syndrome are not fully understood. Among the alleged reasons, scientists call these:

Signs of attention deficit disorder in adults

Attention Deficit Disorder develops in childhood, and if left untreated, it becomes an adult attention deficit disorder.

Signs of the presence of attention deficit disorder in an adult are:

Treatment of attention deficit disorder

Sometimes children with attention deficit disorder are treated by psychiatrists. They prescribe drugs that make the child more calm and obedient. However, after the withdrawal of drugs, all problems return, as psychiatrists try to fight the investigation, but not with the cause syndrome.

Psychoneurologists recommend another way to combat attention deficit disorder: