Mosaic psychopathy

Often, doctors find it difficult to put a residual diagnosis of a particular personality disorder , singling out one or the other signs that are not compatible in science. In this case, we can talk about mosaic psychopathy - a set of different disorders in the face of one patient.

Picture disease

In the case of this disease, the patient does not have the dominant signs of a particular psychopathy, they are unstable, changeable, but obvious. Such a person is very difficult to get accustomed to in society, but society is even more difficult with him, since you will not adapt to it.

There are different combinations of disorders. Hysterical features in combination with explosive give the ground for the development of addictions, disorders, drives.

Another combination is a psychoasthenia with schizoid disorder. In this case, there are supervalued ideas that the patient will implement in every possible way. A person erects an idea, extolling along with it and himself, as if calling himself a "messiah" sent from above to fulfill this great plan.

The diagnosis of mosaic psychopathy is also set when a combination of paranoia is associated with increased temper tantrums. Typical representatives of this category of patients are irreconcilable "fighters" for their own interests. They complain about housing and communal services, neighbors, bosses, write to all instances, to courts, then they appeal the dismissed lawsuits, etc. But the most "serious", if I may say so, is a combination of extremely opposite psychopathies - asthenic, schizoid, excitable and hysteroid. This combination leads to further development of schizophrenia.

Mosaic psychopathy of Lukashenka

Many fans of political news have long heard about a certain insanity, inadequacy of the Belarusian president. The doctors also diagnosed Lukashenka with mosaic psychopathy.

It's about the psychiatrist Dmitri Shchigelsky, who for several days watched and delved into the behavior of the leader of the nation, living in Belarus. He established the following list of symptoms of mosaic psychopathy from his president:

At the same time, Shchigelsky convened a kind of "consultation", where the diagnosis was confirmed by a number of psychiatrists and published, of course, not in Belarus, but in America, where a fearless psychiatrist left.