Ratatouille - recipe

A simple vegetable composition in the original version called Ratatouille has gained unprecedented popularity and recognition among a wide range of consumers. Incredible gustatory qualities of this dish are achieved due to the fusion of taste of vegetables, piquant sauce and greens. All the subtleties of cooking this food in our recipes below.

How to cook ratatouille - a classic recipe in the oven



Preparing to prepare Ratatouille, the washed Bulgarian peppers are placed in a heated oven to 175 degrees and leave it baked for half an hour. Then we put it in a bag for a minute, and then get rid of the pelts, stalk and seeds. The third part of ripe tomatoes is cleaned of seeds and skins and grated on a grater. The washed remaining tomatoes, zucchini and eggplant are cut into mugs not more than five millimeters thick. The latter is poured and left in a bowl for thirty minutes to separate excess moisture and get rid of bitterness.

At this time, we cut the peeled bulbs with small cubes and pass them in refined sunflower oil in a frying pan until transparent. Add this field to the onions diced baked peppers and chopped garlic cloves, pour tomato mass, we savor all the salt and pepper and let it under the lid on a moderate fire for fifteen minutes. Let the resulting sauce cool, and punch it blender to homogeneity.

At the bottom of the oily form for baking lay out the tomato sauce, and on top we spread the salted mugs of courgettes, eggplant and tomato, alternating them among themselves and forming a sort of accordion.

In a separate bowl, combine crushed basil, parsley leaves, squeezed out the remaining garlic and mashed cumin seeds. Salting the mixture, add a tablespoon of sunflower oil and carefully rub it all with a fork or pestle. Distribute the resulting mixture on top of the vegetables and put the baked in a hot oven for one hour. The temperature regime must be maintained during baking at 200 degrees.

How to make a vegetable ratatouille - a recipe for cooking in a multivariate



To get rid of buckwheat, inherent in aubergines, cut the washed fruits in thin circles, add salt and leave in a bowl for thirty minutes. During this time, we clean, cut cubes bulbs and put them in a multi-device capacity, pour refined oil into it and adjust the device to the "Frying" or "Baking" mode. After about seven minutes, pawn the Bulgarian peppers, peeling them from the pedicels and seeds, and cutting them in the same way with cubes. Fry vegetables together for a couple of minutes, after which we lay two chopped finely tomato and weigh for another ten minutes, adding in the process wine, tomato sauce, salt and pepper. Now pour the resulting sauce into a bowl, cool it and punch it homogeneously with a blender.

We cut the remaining tomatoes and squash fruit in circles, and the aubergine slices are washed with cool water. Pour half of the cooked sauce into a multicast griddle and spread out the circles of eggplant, zucchini and tomato, alternating with each other and seasoning with Provence herbs, salt, herbs and chopped garlic. Fill all the remaining sauce and cook ratatouille for forty minutes in the "Bake" program.