Fębtal for cats

When you start a cat, care for her and her health for many years, you knowingly put on your shoulders. Well-being of the pet is the primary duty.

A healthy cat can be seen immediately by her behavior. She has a wonderful appetite, very playful, cheerful, with sparkling eyes, regularly walks to the tray. But we should not lose sight of the fact that even the most beloved and well-groomed cat, which does not run out of the house, can easily catch worms or viruses brought by us on the sole of shoes.

Therefore, you just need to know that cats need to be vaccinated and periodically carried out deworming, even if you have it at home. Usually the first procedure is done by kittens at three weeks of age, and then every three months thereafter. Adult cats and cats are treated with deworming twice a year, provided that your pets do not eat raw minced meat or raw fish. In these cases, prevention is done every four months.

The most popular drug for de-worming cats are tablets Fegtal.

Fębtal for cats - instruction

The use of Febtal will help prevent the contamination of the habitat of the hosts and their pets by parasite eggs.

Fegtal tablets are externally grayish, flat in shape. On the one hand tablets are written logo, on the other - risk. They are packed in a blister for 6 or 3 pcs. It is used for toxocarose, toxascaridosis, uncinariosis, ankylostomosis, dipilidiosis, teniosis, as well as lesions with protozoa (lamblias).

To conduct deworming, three days in a row in the morning in the meal, mix the drug tablet in a dose corresponding to the weight of your cat. One tablet is designed for three kilograms of animal mass.

The tablets do not have any contraindications. But it is worth considering that deworming should not be done to sick and exhausted cats.

Side effects of this drug, provided that the instructions are observed, was not observed.

Tablets of Fehtal are stored at a temperature from -10 to +20 ° C in a dark, not wet place. Naturally, outside the zone of access of children and animals.