Is it possible to wash the jacket in a washing machine?

Washing trousers from a male or female costume is not difficult. It's different with the jacket. After all, it has a variety of rigid glued parts that can deteriorate if improperly washed, and the lining - ugly to look and see. Therefore, if you decided not to give the thing to dry cleaners, you should find out whether it is possible to wash the jacket in a washing machine and how to do it correctly.

Are the coats washed?

First of all, you need to study the labels on the jacket label, from which you can find out whether machine wash is recommended for this product or not. For example, a jacket made of wool or other natural fabric is not washable, it can only be cleaned in dry cleaners.

Before starting washing, you need to check all pockets in the jacket, fasten the buttons on it, cut off the protruding threads. Then lay the jacket in a special bag.

For washing, it is better to choose a soft liquid gel that does not contain bleach or oxygen. Due to this consistency, this substance is better and faster to dissolve in water, and more effectively will affect the erasable dense tissue.

Many housewives are interested in what mode you can wash your jacket. To wash jackets, you must select a delicate mode, using the additional rinse function. The temperature should not be above 40 ° C. Spin should be chosen minimum, and even better, it is generally disabled.

If you decide to wash a cotton jacket in the car, you can use the conditioner for the laundry, which softens the product.

To dry the jacket, you should use hangers. Wet a damp product on them, carefully straightening all the wrinkles and irregularities on the jacket. Not quite yet dried jacket can be gently pated with an iron with a moistening regime, and then leave it on the shoulders until it finally dries.