Hooponopono method - what is it and how to practice it correctly?

In the world there are a huge number of techniques that help to make positive adjustments in their lives. Recently, a practice that is called "Hooponopono" has spread. Everyone can use it, observing simple rules.

What is Hooponopono?

The Hawaiian method, which helps to find harmony in oneself and to gain success in all aspects of life is called Hooponopono. With regular use, a person can achieve spiritual development , growth and enlightenment. In translation from Hawaiian, this name means "fix the mistake." The Hawaiian technique of Hooponopono is based on four phrases that purify the soul and mind.

  1. "I love you . " Such words help a person through love to purify themselves from the negative and come to the truth. They also increase self-esteem and teach them to love themselves.
  2. "I'm sorry . " Saying this phrase, a person expresses regret for the negative thoughts and actions that led to the launch of unfavorable programs.
  3. "Forgive me . " Such words in the Hooponopono method represent repentance and plea for forgiveness for perfect deeds and thoughts. When you pronounce them you can feel freedom.
  4. "Thank you . " The phrase is intended to express gratitude to the universe and the Higher Forces for what a person has.

Philosophy Hooponopono

Regular practices give a person a chance to cope with various problems, for example, get rid of a pessimistic view of the world, conflict situations and feelings of guilt . Hooponopono develops positive responses to life difficulties in a person, and helps to improve the spirit, and with it the body. Hawaiian method gives a chance for a person to find a landmark in life and achieve harmony in themselves. You can get all this by clearing the memory of garbage. Known basic principles of Hooponopono:

  1. In the mind of man the physical universe is embodied.
  2. If you think positively, then you can create a reality based on love.
  3. Everyone has full responsibility for their lives and for what is happening around them.
  4. Negative thinking attracts only problems.
  5. Nothing in life exists separately from man, because these are the results of his thoughts.

How to practice Hooponopono?

To use the Hawaiian method, you do not need to create certain conditions, because everything is simple. Practice Hooponopono allows the use of some of the available items:

  1. Coins help to change a person's attitude to finance. You need to talk with them, asking for forgiveness.
  2. The flower is used to refer to the divine powers. Turn to him for love. The plant will be a good companion on the way to self-cleaning.
  3. A drop of dew is considered a powerful remedy to purify itself of the negative.
  4. Butterfly helps to remove the negative and find the right path to perfection.
  5. A pencil with an eraser is used to erase negative memories.
  6. Sunflower is a symbol of abundance and harmony, including in the material sphere.

Hooponopono talk with money

Many people have problems with finances. To deal with them often used different conspiracies, rituals and meditative techniques, which include Hooponopono. The method implies the formation of the right attitude to money, the creation of positive energy and the use of verbal formulas. There is a special instruction on how to practice hooponopono for money:

  1. A person should understand that money is not more than a means to achieve goals. It is important to treat them with gratitude.
  2. It is important to stop experiencing fears associated with finances. Many people are afraid of losing their jobs or money, which creates an internal block that does not allow them to interact with the cash flow. It's important to take fears and live happily.
  3. The method of Hooponopono for attracting money implies drawing up a phrase-appeal to money, in which gratitude, regret, a request for forgiveness and love will be expressed. For example: "The money coming into my life, thank you for this. I'm sorry for my fear of losing you, forgive me for this. I sincerely love you. "

Hooponopono cleansing from the negative

To get rid of existing problems, it is recommended to use meditation using a pencil with an eraser. As already mentioned, it helps to erase the existing negative, making room for a new and positive.

  1. A new and not sharpened pencil needs to be activated with the word "dewdrop". It should be used periodically and for each session you do not need to buy a new pencil.
  2. To clean up the negative, you need to tap a pencil on the subject or your body, mentally repeating the word activation to enhance the effect.
  3. It is important to imagine how all the negative is erased. This technique gives a chance to carry out deep cleansing, and even affecting previous generations.

Hooponopono - how to return your beloved?

The technique helps to cope with various problems, including those related to personal life. For this, it is necessary to use a general algorithm of actions, which includes several principles.

  1. The Hawaiian Hooponopono system forces a person to analyze his own state in order to understand what caused the beloved to leave. Often the blame for all the internal blocks that arise as a result of fears or grievances.
  2. It is necessary to forgive yourself and your beloved, who is gone. The situation should be reset.
  3. In conclusion, the Hooponopono method involves the formation of a special phrase-code, which will include four main components: a request for forgiveness, regret, gratitude and recognition.

How to improve the health of Hooponopono?

In the presence of various diseases, in addition to the main treatment prescribed by the doctor, additional methods can be used to accelerate the recovery process. The Hooponopono method for curing diseases implies the passage of certain steps:

  1. It is necessary to remember when the disease was caused, because there is always some stress or other irritating factor at the basis. It is believed that there are problems with the heart of people who showed indifference to others, or, conversely, they forgot about themselves, paying attention to others.
  2. Release the situation, forgive yourself and other people guilty of the situation. After that, comfort should be felt.
  3. The method of Hooponopono includes the formulation of a special verbal form, guided by four important principles. Repeat the text until the problem disappears.

Hooponopono for marriage

Many girls worry that their partner does not make offers of the hand and heart and often the blame is internal blocks and negative energy. The method of Hooponopono helps to change the relationship with a loved one for the better.

  1. First you need to get rid of negative thoughts, emotions and fears.
  2. Mentally ask a loved one to forgive for possible grievances and forgive him yourself.
  3. Hooponopono for women who want to get married , includes talking with a loved one and doing it better when he sleeps, because in this state the unconscious part comes to the fore that will easily perceive information.
  4. Pronounce the phrase-code to make the lover offer, not forgetting to include the four main components mentioned earlier.

Hooponopono for weight loss

Specialists of the Hawaiian method represent excess weight in the form of a negative program, from which you can get rid of. To do this, it is necessary to work on self-esteem and begin to love yourself. There are certain rules how to lose weight with Hooponopono.

  1. It is necessary to remember when the weight began to increase, because almost always it becomes a reaction to numerous stresses and negative memories.
  2. It is important to throw off the burden of the past, analyzing the situation and realizing what conclusions were drawn.
  3. At the next stage, the Hooponopono method involves conducting a conversation with your body. Say that you consider yourself a handsome man, thank your appearance and ask for forgiveness from the body that you do not give him the opportunity to get rid of excess weight .
  4. Learn to properly treat food, perceiving it as fuel for the body.

Hooponopono is a prayer for all

Hawaiian methodology offers not only meditation, but also a prayer text that is used in different situations. Read it is recommended after there is already an understanding of what Hooponopono is and how to use it correctly. The sacred text was suggested by the Hawaiian shaman Morro. Incoming prayer Hooponopono can be pronounced throughout the day, but if there is no such possibility, then read it at least in the morning and before going to bed.

Why does not Hooponopono work?

You can find reviews of people who claim that such meditative practices do not yield any results. The explanation for this is quite trivial and consists in misuse of the existing method and non-compliance with existing rules. Hooponopono and faith are two inseparable things that conduct energy activation. Many expect a quick result, therefore they miss the important stages of preparation and purification of the body. It is necessary to follow all the rules impeccably.

Hooponopono and Orthodoxy

Among people who regularly use the techniques of purification from the negative, many believers of different religions. Pronunciation of affirmations and self-hypnosis can not become an obstacle to faith. Experts argue that the method is beyond understanding and in no way interferes with going to church and praying. Many interns assure that Hooponopono and Christianity have much in common, so during meditation they often see beside themselves saints who are assistants of all believers.