Breed Dog Wolfhound

Who are wolfhounds? There is an opinion that these are the dogs that resisted the wolves. There is a more widespread belief in our time that a wolfhound is an example of a shepherd dog breed that can repel gray predators or the like. These animals are able to guarantee complete safety of flocks at great distances on their own without a host. Many modern authors, referring to the word "wolfhound", mean basically Asian dog watchdogs different from European sheep dogs.

Before you buy a pet, you need to understand for yourself what we expect from the animal. There are several varieties - Irish, Caucasian, Buryat-Mongolian, Central Asian wolfhounds. A kind and gentle giant will be for you the Irish look of these dogs. For protection or protection, the Caucasian sheepdog can prove to be an impeccable option. If there are children, the Mongolian representative of wolfhounds is Alabai, the best and most loyal friend for them. Very faithful Central Asian Shepherds (CAO). And now about each of them in more detail.

Irish Wolfhound - breed description

Irish wolfhound is massive with pronounced muscles. The coat is stiff, long above the eyebrows and on the chin. It is considered one of the highest dogs in the world. The smallest specimen is 79 cm and weighs from 55 kg. Sometimes it reaches the size of a small horse. But regardless of the huge growth and weight, they have amazing flexibility. They are usually gray.

Irish Wolfhound is suitable for inexperienced users of pets. She is one of the best shepherds. It is easy to contact people, peace-loving. He is friendly with all the dogs around. This kind of wolfhound is very fond of children.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

A large dog of medium height 65-70 cm and weighing from 45 to 70 kg. The coat is thick and coarse. There are individuals with a black, gray, red or brown color.

The breed of dogs Caucasian wolfhound is the descendant of sheepskin short-haired dogs. They still have kept all their animal instincts. This species has often been used in dog fighting. This breed has combat, security features. They are indispensable in hunting, because in a rage they can fight with a boar or a trot. They are unfaithful to outsiders. It is thanks to these qualities that they deserve the title of service breed.

Buryat-Mongolian Wolfhound

The breed of dogs Mongolian wolfhound has the following generally accepted standards: height from 72 cm at the withers, weight 45-70 kg. Powerful body, neck. The tail is long, going down. Color wolfish, sometimes brown or red.

Tibetan dog or dog of the Huns - such names have gone from the roots of the origin of the breed. The remains of these animals were found in Buryatia during excavations, namely in the Hunn fortifications. In ancient times in Buddhist monasteries wolfhounds were used as a guard. The Mongolian wolfhound guard dog quickly adapts to the new terrain and climate change. These pets are very healthy. In behavior you can notice a special curiosity and cheerfulness. Buryat dog is an excellent guard and companion in one person.

Asian wolfhound (alabai)

The dog of the Asian wolfhound is very intelligent and devoted. Like all wolfhounds, Alabai has such qualities as endurance, fearlessness. But they, like no other, combine fighting defensive instincts and peaceableness, tranquility. These four-legged will be the best pet. Since the wolfhound is the largest dog, it requires a lot of space, so keep it better on the street. Central Asian Shepherd Dog is attached not only to the owner and the house, but to all members of the family. Also, it is not distinguished by fastidiousness in food.

The best dog can be called the Russian Wolfhound-Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd. These large representatives combine the speed of the wolf and the strength of the dog, as well as a very good tolerance of cold weather. These four-legged friends are universal in their application: they are excellent guards and shepherds at the same time.