Meditation for calming

Every day we come across so many irritants and negative information that sometimes only our soul can become the only oasis where one can find comfort. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, because we have a much greater impact on it than all external factors combined. And the proof of this is the power of meditation for calming the soul (and mind) and healing from stress.

Preparing for proper meditation

If you have never tried meditation practice, and have come to her to get rid of excessive irritability, then most likely, you will need some time to learn to relax and get into the right state. You can try to study meditation. And you can learn to meditate yourself.

Try to remove all sources of possible irritation for the time of meditation. Turn off the phone and computer, turn down the lights.

To help yourself relax, download suitable melodies for meditation. Many of them are accompanied by a voice that leads you through all stages of calm and immersion in the right state. Of course, deep meditation is unlikely to be subject to you from the very first trials. Anyway, remember that any meditation is useful for calming the nerves.

"Watching the breath"

First of all, start with the right breathing - this is the basis of meditation practice. Most women breathe superficially, breastfeeding. While with proper breathing, it is not the chest that is rising, but the stomach. This is the maximum saturation of the body with oxygen, in addition, a natural massage of the internal organs is performed.

Below, we will give a simple meditation for calming, based precisely on breathing. Despite the apparent simplicity, devote this exercise to at least a week. "Watching the breath" is one of the oldest practices, this meditation is aimed at calming the nervous system, reducing the heart rate and suspending a continuous internal monologue.

"The flow of water"

Many melodies for meditation include the sounds of nature. And the sound of water is one of the most common. If you have a small fountain in your home - fine, otherwise the splash of water from the tap will do.


The next meditation for calming is very suitable for women. If your house has a fragrant and beautiful flower, whose smell brings you pleasure, use it in as a basis for meditation "Flowering":

To finish each meditation is best thanks to words of gratitude. Thank yourself, plant, water, the surrounding world. After all, even in one flower there is always a harmony that will be able to calm our internal storms ...