Yoga Nidra

I think everyone knows this terrible feeling when you lie on your bed after a hard day, you look at the ceiling and dream of falling asleep, but the brain flatly refuses to relax. He is so overwhelmed with information, experiences that thoughts swarm, collide with each other, forming a mess. As a result, after spending a few hours, fall asleep in the morning and again do not get enough sleep. A modern person simply has to learn to relax in that huge continuous stream of information in which he lives. Once you learn to control your thoughts and learn how to completely relax at the right time and throw away unwanted trash from your head, you will make a lot of decisions, keep concentration and attention even in extreme situations and, eventually, get enough sleep and feel cheerful all day. The tool for this is yoga-nidra. It is also called the "dream of yogis".

Nidra-yoga is part of pratyahara, its method is to completely disregard the perception of the external world (smells, sounds, sensations). By the time the process takes 30-60 minutes. It is believed that one hour of such deep relaxation can replace four hours of normal sleep. Thus, you can spend less time on sleep and at the same time not feel tired, vigorously cope with the planned affairs.

Yoga Nidra is also shown to those who suffer from chronic fatigue, irritability, unexplained anxiety, aggression and other negative emotions. You can take all your senses under control and find balance and harmony. Of course, the first time something might not work out and practice will be required, but it is enough sometimes to give time for these classes, and you will get the desired result.

Yoga-nidra: lessons

All you need to start classes is a warm and quiet place. Accept the pose of shavasana: legs are slightly divorced, arms are extended along the body, palms are turned upwards. Sit down as comfortably as you have to spend in this position, not moving, quite a lot of time. Make sure that you do not feel cold and do not want to cover yourself with a blanket. Completely relax, but do not forget that you can not sleep. Only muscles are relaxed, and the brain follows the breath, monitors the condition of the body. Mentally, moving from one corner of your body to the other, check that there is no tension anywhere.

Learn to listen to yourself, shift attention from one point to another, briefly lingering in one place, feel every single area: ankles, knees, hips, waist, shoulder blades, etc. Relax the facial muscles: lips, cheeks, forehead, eyelids, all of this is straining automatically unnoticed for us, your task is completely to get rid of this tension.

It would be nice to visit at least one yoga nidra class for beginners or find a videotape of classes in the hall. This will help you better understand the essence of this process.

Consider the inhalation and exhalation, completely focusing on them, discarding all unnecessary feelings and thoughts.

Yoga-nidra: text

After you achieve complete physical relaxation, you can proceed to the next stage: visualization. In fact, you imitate dreams, but if in a dream we are practically nothing is controlled, and images are formed unconsciously, then during the practice of yoga nidra, you yourself cause thoughts and pictures that you like. It can be anything that lifts your spirits, expands consciousness and brings back a sense of joy.

Completely immerse yourself in your fantasies, walk away from existing reality and create your own. After a session of such therapy, you will feel calm, a burst of new energy, a desire to create and act. Practice of yoga nidra can be carried out at any convenient time: in the morning, in the afternoon, before going to bed. The main thing is to regularly find time for this and learn to concentrate, which at first is rather difficult, because we are not used to listening to ourselves. However, after a few lessons you will feel a change for the better.