Respiratory gymnastics Qigong

It is not known exactly by whom and when exactly the breathing gymnastics Qigong so popular for today has been developed. The first mention of it is found in books written in 270-300 years of our era. It was widely spread in the 60s of the XX century, when the famous physician Wang Jinbo demonstrated its effectiveness to his colleagues in the Shanghai clinic. From that moment, Qigong breathing exercises began to be used in traditional Chinese medicine, and later became a popular destination in many sports complexes of the world.

Respiratory exercises of qigong help to strengthen health, improve blood circulation, restore physical and spiritual strength, heal some diseases. At the moment, in the direction of Qigong, five stages or categories of gymnastics are singled out: therapeutic qigong, restorative gymnastics, combat, philosophical and author's techniques.

Even in ancient times, the Chinese believed that with the help of proper breathing, one can also control one's mood. Do not allow your breathing to become intermittent and tense; Qigong breath is calm and even. Take on the armament of a few simple exercises, they are also called intermediate breathing exercises:

  1. Lower Breath of Qigong . Take any comfortable sitting, lying or standing position. Take a deep breath through your nose, while keeping your shoulders and chest unchanged, and only the stomach has moved forward. Exhaling air through the nose and mouth, pull the stomach back.
  2. Average breathing . Breathe the air through your nose, while the shoulders and abdomen should remain immobile, and the chest cell on the contrary widens. With this exercise, air fills the middle part of the lungs. Exhalation is also produced through the nose or mouth.
  3. Upper breath . This time, with inhalation, the shoulders rise slightly, and the chest and abdomen remain motionless. You can slightly bend your head back. In this exercise, air penetrates the upper parts of the lungs.
  4. United . During the inhalation, the stomach is alternately extended forward, the diaphragm descends, the chest widens, and the shoulders rise. On exhalation, pull in the stomach, lift the diaphragm, squeeze the thorax and lower the shoulders.

The respiratory qigong requires a certain practice, because we are not used to watching our breath and controlling it. Each exercise is performed at least 3-4 times, they can be performed at any convenient time of day or night. These same exercises can be used as brief qigong meditation to calm the nervous system after an emotional outburst or before an exciting moment, such as a public performance.