The largest volcano in the world

Volcano. This word enchants and scares at the same time. People have always been attracted to something beautiful and dangerous, because beauty, accompanied by risk, becomes even more attractive, but at the same time one immediately remembers the history of the city of Pompeii. Volcanoes have not brought such terrible devastations that are still stored on the pages of our history for a long time, because thanks to scientists who can tell which mountain is a volcano and which is not, people stopped settling at the foot of dangerous mountains. But, nevertheless, volcanoes continue to exist and then go into hibernation, then wake up from sleep to begin an active life. Let us consider which volcanoes are the largest in the world.

The 10 largest volcanoes in the world

  1. Yellowstone volcano. This volcano is located in the Yellowstone National Park in the United States. Yellowstone can rightly be called the largest volcano in the world, and also the most dangerous volcano in the world. The height of the volcano is 3,142 meters above sea level, and the area of ​​the volcano is 4000 square kilometers. The area of ​​this volcano is twenty times larger than the size of Washington, the capital of the United States of America. This volcano is still dormant, although from the beginning of the twenty-first century, it began to show signs of activity. According to scientists, this volcano erupts approximately every 600 thousand years, and since the last eruption has passed already about 640 thousand years.
  2. Vesuvius volcano. This is the highest active volcano of Eurasia at this moment. And also it is the highest volcano in Europe. It is located fifteen kilometers from the Italian city of Naples . Its height is 1281 meters. Currently, Vesuvius is the only active volcano in Europe, and in addition it is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes. Science is aware of more than eighty of its eruptions, one of which was destroyed by the famous Pompeii .
  3. Volcano Popocatepetl. This volcano is also active. It is located in the southern part of Mexico. The height of Popokateptl is 5452 meters. Over the past half century, his activity was very small, and in general, history knows about thirty-six large eruptions of this volcano. Popocatepetl can be called the largest active volcano at the moment.
  4. The volcano of Sakurajima. The active volcano, located in Japan. Once he was on the island, but during one of the eruptions a huge amount of lava connected him to the mainland. The height of the volcano is 1118 meters above sea level. At the moment, Sakuradzim is visited by many tourists every year, despite the fact that the volcano is almost always in activity - smoke is bursting from its mouth, and sometimes there are also small eruptions.
  5. The volcano Galeras. This volcano is located in Colombia. The height of Galeras is 4267 meters above sea level. The activity of this volcano was noticed in 2006, at the same time people were evacuated from the nearest settlements. In 2010, more people were evacuated, as the volcano continues its active activity. Although for the past several thousand years Galeras, if erupted, it is extremely insignificant.
  6. The Merapi Volcano. The current Indonesian volcano, located in Java. Height above sea level is 2914 meters. This volcano is almost always active. Small eruptions occur several times a year, and large ones occur about once every ten years. Merapi took many lives, but in one of his biggest eruptions, he even changed the surrounding landscape.
  7. The volcano of Nyiragongo. This volcano is in Africa, in the mountains of Virunga. At the moment, it is more in sleep mode, although insignificant activity is sometimes observed. The most terrible eruption of this volcano was recorded in 1977. In general, this volcano is interesting because its lava is very liquid because of its composition, therefore, at the eruption, its speed can reach even one hundred kilometers per hour.
  8. Volcano Ulawun. The volcano is located on the island of New Guinea and at the moment it is an active volcano. Its height is 2334 meters above sea level. This volcano erupts quite often. Once this volcano was located under the water, and on the surface it came out only in 1878.
  9. The Taal volcano. This active volcano is in the Philippines, on the island of Luzon. Taal is noteworthy because it is the smallest of all the currently unoccupied volcanoes in the world, and there is a lake in the Taal Crater. Every year Taal visits a lot of tourists from all over the world.
  10. The Mauna Loa volcano. Mauna Loa is an active volcano in Hawaii, USA. The height of this volcano is 4169 above sea level. This volcano can be considered the highest volcano on earth, if you take into account its underwater part, whose height reaches 4,500 meters. The last time this volcano seriously erupted in 1950.