Growth of Antonio Banderas

Antonio Banderas is the son of a schoolteacher and a policeman, as a child he dreamed of becoming a football player. But fate decreed otherwise - a slim and fit young man entered the acting school, which was the starting point in his star career. Now Antonio Banderas is considered one of the most influential people in Hollywood, and his actor's talent is recognized by millions, besides the actor is engaged in his favorite business - winemaking, and last year he became a student of the British College.

What is the height, weight and age of Antonio Banderas?

Attractive appearance of the actor, his tightened figure and unique style are driving the crazy female audience for many years. Even now, when Antonio is no longer young, he does not lose his attractiveness in the eyes of the beautiful half of society. Many fans are still interested in the question, what is the height, weight and age of Antonio Banderas. It is noteworthy that the actor stated that his height is 174 cm, and the weight varies from 65 to 80 kg. But, these data have been repeatedly questioned, and blame shoes shoes with heels. Indeed, Antonio Banderas very often appears in public in low-heeled shoes that fit harmoniously into his image of a sexy macho. Therefore, arguments and discussions about the actual growth of the star periodically arise among fans.

As for age, there is no contradictory data. Count yourself - Antonio Banderas was born on August 10, 1960, that is, very soon the celebrity will celebrate his 56th birthday.

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It is worth noting that, despite his middle-aged years, the actor looks wonderful: his weight is normal, and the proportions are perfect, he continues to act in films, is interested in active sports, fashion and art.