Porridge in the multivariate

Porridge is not only a hearty and affordable garnish, but also a rich source of complex carbohydrates, which is easy to cook even for those who are not endowed with special culinary talents. Our following recipes of porridge in the multivarquet are also designed for lovers of delicious and easy-to-prepare meals, as with the kitchen assistant the cooking process of any dish is simplified at times.

How to cook rice porridge in a multivariate?

Have you ever cook risotto? If yes, then you probably know how much effort and time should be spent on a portion of Italian rice porridge. Fortunately, with the advent of multi-pressure cookers, the need for continuous stirring has disappeared by itself and now the risotto will be prepared independently as long as you do your own business.



Squeeze out the minced meat from the natural sausage and fry it along with onion rings, celery and carrots. Add everything with chopped garlic and pour the rice. As soon as the rice grains are covered with fat from the meat, pour in the dry white wine and let it evaporate by 2/3. Now add a liter of broth, tomato paste, laurel and milk, mix everything thoroughly and switch to the pressure cooker mode. Preparation in the pressure cooker will take about 6 minutes, after which you should quickly lower the pressure, pour the remaining glass of broth, add the cheese and cook the rice for a few more minutes, until almost complete absorption of excess moisture.

Recipe for hot millet porridge in a multivariate

Pshenka is widely loved not only in Europe, but also in the east. Direct proof of this - the Indian recipe for cooking porridge with an abundance of spices and vegetables - all in the traditions of classical cuisine.



Cut the vegetables and quickly fry them in a multi-cooked bowl with a little oil, using the "Baking" mode. Mix cumin, mustard, coriander, turmeric and chili with garlic-ginger paste. For all the abundance of flavors do not forget about a pinch of salt. Add the fragrance mixture to the vegetables, re-mix everything together and pour the thoroughly washed pyshenky. Before cooking the groats should be washed really at least 6 times, and in the finals, and completely burn with boiling water. If time allows, then millet cereal can be soaked in cold water 4 hours before the start of cooking. Pour the contents of the bowl with water, switch to the "Buckwheat" mode and cook the porridge on the water in the multivark until the signal.

Pearl barley with meat in the multivark



Cut beef, season and roll in flour. Slices of meat, sprinker on the preheated oil until browned, then shift to napkins, and the remainder of the fat is used to roast vegetables. When the vegetables are half-ready, combine them with meat and sprinkle the pearl barley. Put the bay leaves, tomato paste and pour all 2 1/2 glasses of water or broth. Prepare the porridge in the "Buckwheat" mode, waiting for the beep.