Cake in the multivariate

When we talk about how to make a cake in a multivark, we mean by this the actual baking of a biscuit or cake, which will be the basis for the design of the treat. The choice of cream can only affect your imagination and personal preferences. Consequently, by varying the cake cakes prepared in different recipes in the multivarquet and the fillers, you can enjoy a completely new dessert each time.

Chocolate cake on kefir in a multivark



  1. To quickly prepare a simple biscuit for a cake in a multivark, mix the dry ingredients first, namely we sift the flour, cocoa powder and baking powder into the bowl and add sugar.
  2. In another deep container, we connect eggs, kefir and sunflower without the aroma of oil and break the components with a mixer or whisk, but without fanaticism. It is enough only to get a uniform texture and to achieve an even distribution of components among themselves.
  3. Now we connect the contents of both vessels and mix until all flour flakes are blooming.
  4. The resulting dough is slightly thicker than the sour cream, we put it into an oiled multicast and leave it in the "Baking" mode for one hour.
  5. After the signal, we keep the biscuit on the "Preheat" for another ten minutes, after which we extract it, cool it and cut it into three equal longitudinal parts.
  6. Each part is impregnated with any cream, stacking on each other, we decorate the product to your liking and give it a few hours to soak.

Honey cake in a multivarquet - a simple recipe



  1. For honey biscuit, we process eggs with sugar-sand to splendor and lightening. Honey is mixed with soda until the formation of foam, then connect it with the egg mass and once again whisk.
  2. Now gently mix the flour into the dough until all the lumps are blooming and getting a bit thicker than the pancake batter.
  3. We put the ready honey dough in the oil of the multi-device, smeared with a piece of butter and bake the honey-maker for an hour, after setting the device to the "Bake" mode.
  4. On the readiness of the honey sponge cake cut it along into three parts, soak each sour cream and stack them on top of each other.
  5. We decorate a simple cake in a multivariate from honey biscuit at our discretion and give it a few hours to impregnate.

Biscuit tasty cake in the multivark



  1. In this case, we prepare a classic biscuit cake. To prepare the dough, turn egg whites into thick and dense foam.
  2. Then, in small portions, pour sugar and vanillin to the proteins, without stopping the work of the mixer.
  3. In conclusion, we introduce yolks into a container with a sweet protein mass and whisk a little more.
  4. It remains only to gently, gently stir in the dough flour sifted and put it in the oiled capacity of the multivark.
  5. The biscuit will be cooked in the same "Bake" mode as the previous cakes, but it takes seventy minutes for this.
  6. We remove the hot biscuit to the grate for cooling, cut it into two or three pieces along, soak it with cream, let it stand for several hours, and we can regale.