Squids in the Multivariate - recipe

Squids are considered to be a real delicacy, and dishes from them are distinguished by their refinement and originality. Let's find out how to cook squid in a multivariate.

Recipe for cooking squid in a multivark



Squid carcasses are cleaned of film, washed well and cut into rings. We process the onion and carrots, shake the onion with small cubes, and grate the carrots finely on the gratings. Now take the bowl multivarka, at the bottom pour a little vegetable oil, choose the mode "Baking" and wait until it gets a little warm.

Then we pass in it the crushed onion, about 5 minutes. At the end of the time, add the carrots and fry it as long as the vegetables do not get a pleasant golden hue. After that, we spread to the roasting rings of squid, mix and switch on the device mode on "Quenching". The timer is set for 30 minutes, and we prepare everything with the lid closed. Approximately 10 minutes before the signal, we put sour cream, sprinkle the dish with salt and season with pepper. Ready squid served on a table with rice or boiled potatoes .

The recipe for stuffed squid in a multivariate



Squid pre-defrosted, processed, washed and cleaned in the refrigerator. We cleaned the onion and shredded cubes, and rubbed carrots. In the bowl multivarka pour vegetable oil, put onions, crushed carrots and pass the vegetables for about 5 minutes, putting on the display the program "Deep-frying".

One squid is cut into cubes and mixed with vegetable roast. We cook all together for 2 more minutes. We clean the shrimps and add to the fried vegetables. Rice separately boil until ready and put in a bowl multivarka. Ready filling stuff to taste, pepper and mix.

We remove the squid from the fridge, first we pour hot water and immediately cool it. We fill the carcass with cooked stuffing. In the multivark oil is poured, we set the "Hot" mode and put the stuffed squid in a saucepan. Close the lid and fry for 3 minutes on each side. Cooked squid is best served with rice or potatoes.