Removal of scars by laser

Modern cosmetic medicine offers to remove ugly and hateful scars on the face and other parts of the body with the help of laser resurfacing. A relatively new method of removing scars has already become popular. We will describe its features in this article.

What is the essence of the laser scars removal procedure?

To date, the most effective way to remove scars and scars on the face and other parts of the body is a laser. The procedure is absolutely painless. The essence of laser removal of scars is that the beam acts on the skin, triggering an absolutely natural process of skin renewal, while collagen is formed. The latter is needed in order to replace the connective tissue. As a result of the procedure, a smooth and beautiful skin is formed at the site of the scars scar or stretch.

Advantages of laser resurfacing

The popularity of laser resurfacing lies in its effectiveness. Also, the procedure rarely has negative consequences and it can only be varicose veins at the site of grinding. Therefore, before the sessions it is worth consulting with a specialist.

Very important is the fact that removing the scars with a laser is absolutely painless. In addition, many methods of removing scars are not recommended for women with dark skin, since the newly appeared skin has a light tint and is significantly distinguished. This disadvantage is absent in laser resurfacing, so this method can be successfully used to remove scars on dark skin.

Neodymium laser

Speaking about the removal of scars by laser, it is worthwhile to tell about the method of operation of a neodymium laser, which allows solving many other cosmetic problems, among which:

Contraindications to the procedure

Like any other manipulation, consisting in the impact on the skin, laser scar grinding has its contra-indications. First of all, this applies to women suffering from diseases of the immune system or taking immunosuppressive drugs. Also, the following diseases can serve as a contraindication:

Also, a contra-indication can be considered a visit to the solarium or sunbathing three weeks before visiting the cosmetic office.

Summarizing, it can be noted that laser resurfacing easily removes scars from any part of the body. The procedure is absolutely painless and has a minimum of contraindications.