Vaccination of a pear in the spring for beginners - all the secrets of the procedure

Such an interesting operation as pear in spring for beginners, it is desirable to study all the owners of private gardens. Having mastered this process, you will be able to rejuvenate trees in a short time, increasing their yield, you will be able to create amazing enigmatic hybrids to your acquaintances.

Inoculation of a pear in the spring

Often, to the chagrin of the grower, the favorite fruit tree variety does not manage to grow immediately on its plot. Sometimes unscrupulous sellers allow re-sorting, deliberately shoving wild or seedlings in the markets with tasteless fruits. In some cases, the required variety freezes or grows poorly in the rootstock. The spring vaccination of the pear helps to eliminate the detected problems. To do this, the owner of the garden should first learn the technology of this operation, find the material for the grafting of the required variety and a quality stock.

What are the objectives of the vaccination of the pear in spring for beginners:

  1. A quick way to rejuvenate trees.
  2. A good chance for beginners to improve the yield of the garden.
  3. Improve the frost resistance of southern pear varieties.
  4. Strengthen resistance to heat and drought.
  5. The gardener will be able to give the plant the desired shape.
  6. Helps to restrain the power of growth.
  7. Rapidly propagate in the spring a favorite variety, without planting new seedlings.
  8. This is a good chance for beginners to produce a vaccine replacement of pears with unsatisfactory characteristics.
  9. Obtain on one seedlings fruits of several varieties at once.

The timing of the pear vaccination in the spring

Experienced gardeners have learned to produce this event, both at the beginning of a warm period, and in the summer. It is better to use the spring dates of the pear vaccination, when the survival rate is the highest. It is difficult to accurately indicate the date for different regions, it depends on the weather and the peculiarities of the local climate. It is advisable not to start work until the threat of frost passes, grafted shoots often die from the cold. Optimum time for beginning gardeners begins with the onset of sap flow, but before bud blossoming or flowering begins.

What kind of cuttings should I take to vaccinate pears?

Begging growers need to learn that they need to harvest material several months before the proposed event in the autumn of the previous year. A tiny piece of a twig depends on the proper inoculation of the pear. If the stalk is chosen and stored incorrectly, then the whole season will go to waste. There are several secrets, how to choose, maintain and correctly prepare the shoots for vaccination:

  1. We cut cuttings with steadily fruiting and yielding pears.
  2. We use for the inoculation in the spring only annual shoots.
  3. Beginners need to cut the material on the outer and well-lit side of the crown.
  4. Well suited to the scion of the middle tier.
  5. Optimal characteristics of the billet - length up to 40 cm, thickness about 7 mm, shoot with pronounced kidneys in an amount of up to 5 pieces and short interstices.
  6. Better kept until the spring cuttings with a small piece (up to 2 cm) 2 years old wood.
  7. Beginners are advised to cut the material for the graft with a margin
  8. It is better to make a blank in the fall to severe frosts, but after the pear-hibernating offensive.
  9. The location of the scion - in the snow, in unshelled trenches, in sawdust, in moistened sand.

Methods of grafting a pear

The main spring types of grafting of garden trees are grafting and inoculation with a handle. Reproduction by eye is mainly used in the summer period - from the middle of July. Inoculation of the cuttings of a pear with a cuttings in spring is easy to perform and, with the observance of the general rules, gives excellent results. The optimal way to produce this operation is selected depending on the diameter of the stock and the available workpiece.

Methods of grafting pears in spring for beginners:

  1. Copulation. We select the shanks of the same thickness with the stock. The cut is performed on both branches equally at the same angle of about 30 °. Place the graft tightly fixed with a film.
  2. In the cleavage. A good way for beginners to rejuvenate the pear in the spring. In the stump of a suitable diameter, several cuttings can be implanted at once. The optimal length of hemp is up to 30 cm, the length of the cleft is 5 cm.
  3. Half-cleaved. The difference from the previous species is that the split in spring is carried out from one edge of the hemp under one cutting.
  4. For the bark. In the bark of the stock, a single incision is made up to 5 cm in length, where a sharpened graft is gently inserted.

Which tree can be planted with a pear tree?

For beginners it will be interesting that the pear vaccination is carried out quite successfully on several types of garden crops. It must be remembered that only seed pods of trees are suitable for this operation. Some varieties, like quince, are successful and are often used in small private and farmer plantations, but most other methods are of little use for industrial gardening.

What can vaccinate a pear in the spring for beginners:

Inoculation of a pear in the spring on an apple tree

These cultures are close relatives, therefore, when observing the rules of vaccination, the survival rate even among novice lovers often reaches 90%. The disadvantages of grafting a pear on an apple tree include the rejection of the graft, which occurs several years after the fusion because of incomplete compatibility. Experienced gardeners solve the problem by using an intercalary insert or subsequent perevrivivki growing on this plant growth already on another branch. Growing over a year on apple juice, pear wood is rejected less often.

Inoculation of a pear on a mountain ash

The original spring vaccination of the pear on the mountain ash has pros and cons. As a result, semi-dwarf plants are obtained, which do not get wet on soils that are flooded during snow melting. The best results are provided by the use of a redwooded mountain ash as a stock material, the black-fruit varieties become worse and they are inflated. Let's name some disadvantages of using mountain ash for rootstock:

  1. The relatively short duration of the fruiting period of the combined stands.
  2. Decreased sugar content in fruits.
  3. Acquisition of pears with a pear taste.
  4. Pears grown on mountain ash, differ dry flesh.

Can I plant the pear on the plum?

Attempts to plant a pear on the plum will not succeed in the beginning gardeners. Pine plants on stone fruit trees do not take root, and if some time escape and will be green, then soon it will die. Fans of experimentation may be interested in the use of plum as an original rootstock for cherry, cherry, apricot and even peach.

Can I plant the pear on a quince?

Quince is a popular stock for pears, but not all varieties are suitable for this purpose. Sometimes there is a curvature of the trunk, the growth grows short and often breaks. With a positive result, you can get a low tree, which will save space on the site. If a novice is interested in grafting a pear into a quince, then there is a chance to try to solve this problem by inserting an intermediate grade of pear.

Some pears compatible with quince:

Incompatible with quince pears: