Salting of the boletus

Podisynoviki usually rank as mushrooms of the highest quality. After all, by their taste qualities, they are not inferior to white mushrooms and are just as safe for food. Today we will tell you about some ways of picking up the boletus for the winter. Such original preservation will be an excellent snack for any dish and diversify your table.

Salting of the boletus for the winter hot way



  1. To prepare the pickle, pour cold water into the pan, throw the spices, salt, peeled garlic, currant leaves and leave to infuse for a few minutes.
  2. Then we put the peeled mushrooms, put the dishes on medium fire and boil for 25 minutes. We lift the foam thoroughly.
  3. After, the contents of the pot are carefully taken out and cleaned in the refrigerator for a quick cooling.
  4. Further we spread mushrooms in jars and pour on top with a fine salt. Then pour hot brine and roll up the lids.
  5. Closer to the winter, the boletus will completely salinize and acquire a tender taste and aroma.

Picking up the boletus in a cold way



  1. Mushrooms are cleaned from dirt, leaves and flood them with water. We soaked them for several days, and then we poured them with steep boiling water.
  2. Now take the pot, throw the spices on the bottom, greens and lay out neatly the mushrooms. Sprinkle on the taste of salt, close again with herbs, spices and set the plate on top with a load.
  3. After a week, we shift the salted boletus into the jars and pour brine to the very top. Now roll up the covers and put the conservation in a cool place.

The recipe for picking pine forests for the winter in banks



  1. Treated mushrooms are dried and cut into plates. We lay them out on a baking sheet and put them in the sun, so they slightly wilted.
  2. After that, shift the boletus into a saucepan, cover with salt and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. We spread the mass over the banks, tamping with our hands.
  4. We close the tin lids and put them in the cellar.

The recipe for pickling salmon



  1. Purified mushrooms are washed, dried on a towel and cut into plates.
  2. In boiling water we throw salt, sugar, all spices and mushrooms. Cook the boletus for 25-30 minutes, taking off periodically the foam. After that, pour in the wine vinegar and cook for another 10 minutes.
  3. We spread mushrooms in clean jars, pour in brine, roll and cool, turning upside down.

Picking up the boletus for the winter in the bank



  1. In the pot, pour the drinking water, throw the salt and bring the brine to a boil.
  2. Gently lay out the processed mushrooms and boil them for 20 minutes, not forgetting to remove the foam regularly with a noise.
  3. Then discard them in a colander, rinse with cool water and let dry, laying on the towel.
  4. We put the boletus into a large jar with a wide neck, pour salt, pepper and bay leaf.
  5. Cover the container with gauze and place oppression on top. Leave it for 3 days, and then move it to a cold place.
  6. The salted mushrooms of the boletus will be ready in about 40 days.