Slimming with a laurel leaf

Nowadays, losing weight with a bay leaf is considered a "grandmother's" method. There are many applications for such an infusion: it is used to interrupt unwanted pregnancy, to clean joints and the body as a whole. It is able to enhance metabolism and remove toxins, in connection with which, indirectly can affect the weight.

Properties of laurel leaf with losing weight

Despite the fact that I attribute magical properties to the bay leaf, he is still unable to do all the work for you. And even if you prepare a decoction and use it according to the instructions, the weight will not disappear by itself until you give up fatty, fried, sweet and flour.

But in the event that you balance your diet and switch to proper nutrition, the bay leaf can significantly speed up the appearance of the first results.

An example of a healthy diet for weight loss can be considered as follows:

  1. Breakfast: a couple of boiled eggs and cabbage or cereal with fruit, tea without sugar.
  2. Afternoon snack: a piece of cheese, tea.
  3. Lunch: low-fat soup with vegetables and chicken / beef / fish.
  4. Snack: a portion of white yogurt without fillers and sugar.
  5. Dinner: vegetable garnish + meat / poultry / fish.

Using a diet of this type and not adding extra tea to the sweet, you quickly normalize the weight, and the bay leaves will help you with this.

How to cook broth bay leaf for weight loss?

Consider the simplest recipe for broth from a laurel leaf, which you will have enough for a full three-day course. Do not take such a decoction for longer.

Broth from bay leaves



Put laurel leaves in water, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes. After this, pour the broth together with the leaves into a thermos and let it brew for 3-4 hours. Then remove the leaves, and pour the broth into the storage tank.

Take such a decoction three times a day before eating one tablespoon. To your weight loss with the laurel leaf was safe, be sure to consult a doctor, especially if there are chronic diseases.