Rinse for teeth and gums with inflammation

Any pathology of the oral cavity is associated with the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria on the mucous membranes. Rinsing for teeth and gums with inflammation is one of the most effective methods of combating microflora, arresting such pathological processes. When treating, it is important to combine antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, using them alternately.

Rinsing of the mouth with gum disease with drug solutions

From antiseptic or antimicrobial drugs, dentists recommend using only 2 drugs:

  1. Chlorhexidine. The required concentration is 0.05%. Rinsing is performed every time after thorough oral hygiene within 60 seconds.
  2. Miramistine 0.01%. Less effective in bacterial infections than Chlorhexidine , but it helps against viral pathologies, including herpetic lesions. The method of use is similar to the previous one.

To reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes and to stop the symptoms of diseases of the oral cavity helps such solutions:

  1. Tantum Verde. Alcohol tincture, therefore, requires prior dilution with water (1: 1). Rinse should be done 2-3 times a day after brushing your teeth.
  2. Stomatophyte. It allows to treat even serious inflammations, such as periodontitis and gingivitis . For the procedure, too, it is necessary to dissolve the agent in water (1: 5).
  3. Chlorophyllipt. It is effective for minor inflammations, therefore it serves as an auxiliary preparation.

Rinsings for teeth and gums according to traditional medicine

Solutions made from natural ingredients at home are no less effective in fighting infections, quickly relieve pain and reduce symptoms of oral disease.

Rinse with salt for gum disease


Preparation and use

Dissolve salt in water. Rinse the oral cavity with the resulting liquid for 45-60 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times a day.

It should be noted that saline is not recommended with severe inflammation and suppuration.

Rinse for teeth and gums with soda


Preparation and use

Add soda to the water, mix until foam settles. Rinse your mouth 3 times a day after brushing your teeth for 40 seconds. After an hour, rinse with clean water.

To enhance the effect of this agent, you can add to it 3-5 drops of alcohol tincture of iodine.