UHF-therapy - indications, contraindications and secrets of the procedure

UHF-therapy is one of the popular methods widely used in the treatment of ENT diseases, musculoskeletal, nervous, genitourinary and other body systems. Medical manipulations can be carried out both in a medical institution and at home.

What is UHF?

The name of this procedure is deciphered as follows: ultrahigh-frequency therapy. This technique involves exposure to problem areas with a strong or weak electromagnetic field. The oscillation frequency may be 27.12 MHz or 40.68 MHz. In this procedure, two electric fields simultaneously act: one originates from the apparatus, and the second - from the human body.

Lymph, urine and blood have high current conductivity. In these liquids, the charged particles oscillate at the same frequency as in the electromagnetic field. In addition, in this environment, energy is absorbed, accompanied by the release of heat. In this case, a directly proportional effect is observed. In other words, the more energy is absorbed, the stronger the thermal effect. Proceeding from this, UHF is a heating (as it is called in the common people). This corresponds to the effect on the body.

UHF action

Such a procedure has a considerable list of effects on the body. UHF-radiation is so influential:

UHF-therapy apparatus

For carrying out such procedures, two types of equipment are used:

The first group includes the following devices:

Such equipment of portable type is more often used:

The standard device has the following components:

UHF - indications and contraindications

Such manipulation has a wide range of applications. Simultaneously, the UHF procedure is distinguished by a large list of contraindications. Before it is carried out, all the positive and negative features must be weighed. It is only the doctor who can do this unerringly. To be engaged in a selftreatment is dangerous! Even if the procedures are performed at home, they should be conducted under the supervision of a doctor.

UHF-therapy - indications

When appointing this therapy, the doctor takes into account the following factors:

UHF-therapy is used in the fight against inflammations that are in the active stage. During this period in the body due to the accumulation of cells of lymph and blood, an infiltrate is formed. UHF-therapy promotes its resorption. In the problem area, the amount of calcium ions increases. As a result, connective tissue is formed around the focus: it serves as a barrier preventing the spread of infection. However, this method of physiotherapeutic influence can be applied only in cases where pus flows from the area affected by the inflammation.

UHF indications for implementation is as follows:

  1. ENT diseases ( bronchitis , frontalitis, otitis, sinusitis, and so on) - the procedure depresses the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Simultaneously, such physiotherapy strengthens the immune system and has an analgesic effect. In addition, UHF accelerates the healing process of affected tissues and minimizes the likelihood of complications.
  2. Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, ulcers, enteritis, cholecystitis , viral hepatitis) - the procedure reduces pain, has anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the healing of tissues. In addition, UHF improves intestinal motility.
  3. Disturbances in the work of the nervous system (plaxis, neuritis, encephalitis, migraine, sciatica) - thanks to the acceleration of the circulation, tissues are quickly restored. At the same time, muscle spasms decrease.
  4. Diseases of the eyes ( blepharitis , uveitis, glaucoma, etc.) - this procedure reduces allergies and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Also, under its influence, phagocytosis is enhanced, so that the damaged tissues are restored faster.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, cerebrovascular disease , varicose veins) - after UHF puffiness of tissues decreases, muscle tone decreases and as a result, blood pressure normalizes.
  6. Skin diseases (acne, eczema, psoriasis, phlegmon, herpes) - this procedure strengthens the body's defense system, speeds up the process of epithelization and has a desensitizing effect.
  7. Dental problems ( alveolitis , gingivitis, periodontitis, trauma) - UHF enhances blood circulation in the gums and reduces painful sensations. In addition, such a procedure inhibits the viability of pathogenic bacteria.
  8. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (dislocations, fractures, bruises, sciatica, and so on) - with this physiotherapy the tissues are heated, thereby expanding the vessels and as a result, blood circulation increases. This improves the nutrition of cells and accelerates their regeneration.
  9. Rehabilitation in the post-operation period - the procedure reduces the risk of infection of tissues and the development of complications. In addition, it speeds up the process of regeneration, anesthetizes and strengthens the body's defenses.

UHF contraindications

In some cases, this procedure can not be carried out. UHF treatment is prohibited in the following circumstances:


One of the features of this procedure is that it is performed on wooden furniture. During its carrying out the patient either sits or lies (everything depends on what part of the body needs rehabilitation). Since the apparatus acts through clothing, it is not necessary to undress. UHF can be performed in the following ways:

  1. Longitudinal - during the procedure, the electrodes are applied only to the affected area. With this method of exposure, the electromagnetic field does not penetrate shallowly, so this procedure is often used in the fight against superficial diseases. The optimal distance between the body and the electrode is up to 1 cm.
  2. Transverse - this physiotherapy involves a two-way effect (one plate is applied to the affected area of ​​the body, and the other - from the opposite side). With this arrangement, an extensive electromagnetic field is formed. The optimal distance between the patient's body and the electrode is less than 2 cm.

UHF treatment procedure is as follows:

  1. The specialist selects optimal electrodes for the patient.
  2. Install them in special holders.
  3. Wipe the plates with an alcohol-containing solution and apply them to the patient's problem area.
  4. After installing the electrodes, electricity of a certain power is supplied. The value of this indicator is set by means of a special regulator.

UHF range:

  1. The thermal dose - its power varies from 100 to 150 watts. During this procedure, heat is felt. This therapy has a provocative purpose.
  2. Oligothermic dosage - power ranges from 40-100 W. The patient experiences a barely perceptible heat. This UHF at home improves blood circulation and normalizes metabolism.
  3. Athermic dose - its power varies within the range of 15-40 W. The procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Such therapy prescribes to both adults and children. If the procedure is assigned to the children, the following principles are guided by its implementation:

  1. The child must be at least 5 days old.
  2. For children under 7 years of age, the recommended power is 30 watts, and at school age - 40 watts.
  3. To protect the child from burns, a bandage substrate is installed between the electrodes and the baby's body.

UHF with genyantema

The procedure is more often performed daily. Its duration is up to 15 minutes. Therapeutic course for adults is presented in 15 sessions, and for children - 12 procedures. UHF nose provides for exposure to heat of varying power:

UHF with bronchitis

Under the influence of heat flow, the outflow of blood and lymph is intensified. As a result, inflammation decreases, and tissues are quickly restored. UHF chest in bronchitis is recommended to be carried out 1-2 times a day. The procedure can last for 20 minutes. The duration of therapy directly depends on the intensity with which the disease occurs. More often appoint 6-10 procedures.

UHF for otitis

The procedure gives good results. The UHF algorithm is the same as for the treatment of other diseases. A magnetic field of different intensity can be used:

UHF tooth

With this therapy, the power used should not exceed 40 W. UHF in dentistry for a short time: the session does not exceed 10 minutes. The course depends on the disease:

UHF for and against

Such physiotherapy can be useful or cause serious harm. The decisive factor is that the UHF of the chest or other part of the body is made by a specialist or not. Self-medication is unacceptable. If the power calculation is incorrect, serious complications can occur. The negative consequences of UHF in physiotherapy are as follows: