Jacket hoodie

Comfort and comfort are loved and appreciated by people all over the world, regardless of occupation, age and social status. The jacket of the hoodie therefore became so popular - it is practical, multifaceted, perfectly suited for both the everyday wardrobe, and for the gym, trips outside the city.

Lady's sweatshirt - what is it?

This garment is a cross between a sweatshirt and a sweatshirt. The special elements and details of the product are the hood of anorak with kulisks, a large pocket in the center and a few small cuts on the sides. But hoodies are not just a thing from a sports set of clothes. Models can be quite decently different from each other:

History of the hoodies

The name of the stylish blouse came from the English "hood", meaning "hood". For the first time it was demonstrated in New York by the creative designer Claire McCarthyel. And, if in the history of fashion there are cases that the "newly created" thing - just a forgotten and mutated "old", the hoodie was a perfect novelty.

Women's sweatshirts hoodies immediately went to the masses and, in general, for several decades remain very relevant.

But hoodie, if you understand, "mixed up" in crime. 70-80 years - the period of creation of a sweatshirt, is known as the peak of the development of hip-hop culture, whose representatives refused to pass the law and often went on pogroms and conflicts with the police. Then the hoodie became a kind of uniform for those who wished to hide their appearance. Thanks to the hood, it turned out fine and the teenagers, covering their face, went out to night robberies and robberies.

But the established stereotype was destroyed by the film "Rocky". The main character provoked the law-abiding citizens a great desire to be like him not only internally, but also externally. The hoodie group "Bachelor Party", which enjoyed great prestige among the youth of our country, added popularity.

With what to wear hoodies?

Style kezhual and sports style - these are the most suitable options for combination with hoodies. If you do not know what to wear hoodies, then a few examples will help to embody the beautiful, active and trendy image:

  1. The ideal set of sweatshirts will be with jeans and sneakers on the platform. It's hard to think of a more appropriate picnic bow with friends.
  2. On a run, you can go, complementing the hoodie with loose sports pants and shoes on a flat sole.
  3. Looks good with the leggings, but for the problematic figure, it's better to prefer its longer version;
  4. If you have slender legs, then safely wear leather trousers, hoodies, shoes with heels and go in this form to a youth party.
  5. Hoodi with fur can be worn over T-shirts, sweatshirts, thin sweaters. In this form, you can not only go shopping, but also ride on roller skates, skates, skis. Naturally, you can and should choose for them hats, scarves and gloves.

Suits a sweatshirt and to skirts, only it is worth choosing short skirts, a length just below the top. By the way, in this case, they will perfectly complement the set of high boots.