Clothes of ancient people

The way of life of the ancient Slavs, particularly the Eastern Slavs, in some ways coincided with the way of life of the Scythians and Sarmatians. That is why their costumes were similar to each other, if not to say about the ideal similarity.

Clothing of an ancient man in Russia was made of leather, coarse woolen cloth or felt. And only later the Greek and Scandinavian culture had a special impact on the costume, then the outfits became richer.

Clothes of people of Ancient Russia

After the adoption of Christianity in Russia, the costumes have somewhat changed. They became longer and freer, they did not emphasize the figure, they had a certain static character.

Women's shirts were very similar to those worn by men. But the women's dresses of ancient people were decorated with ornaments, several gathered around the neck and were lined with a hem. Rich women had two shirts - the lower and upper. Shirts tied with a belt.

A shirt was dressed in a skirt called "poneva". Stitched together cloths wrapped around the hips and tied with a lace. Also, the outfit was supplemented with "zapona" - a cloth with a hole for the head, which was put on top of the suit. She was somewhat shorter than a shirt. On the sides of the zapovednik did not sew, but always tied with a belt.

The fashion of ancient people in Russia meant the presence of festive clothing. Over the podevy or zapony was put on the "forefather." It is a tunic made of rich fabric, with short and wide sleeves.

The style of the clothes of the rich ancient people, of course, differed from the costume of ordinary people. Firstly, the dresses were distinguished by luxurious gold embroidery. The headdress was a prince's crown, under which the veil was put on.

Married women had to walk with their heads covered. Over the "ponoynik" (cap) was worn " ubrus " (red linen handkerchief). Uprus buttoned under his chin. Above him, women wore rich hats with fur trim.

The girls wore a crown made of birch bark and covered with a cloth. The classic hairstyle was a long braid.