Madonna and Guy Ritchie can not share Rocco's son

Madonna is going to sue the ex-spouse Guy Ritchie and ensure that their common son lived with her. Now 15-year-old Rocco voluntarily lives in the UK with his father, his new wife Jackie Ainslie.

Trip to the father or escape from the mother

Rocco has been living with his father for two months and refuses to return to his mother. He gets along very well with his stepmother and is happy to work with two little brothers and a sister. He likes a measured life in London, here he has many new friends.

57-year-old Madonna tried to persuade his son to return to her in New York, but he stubbornly does not want to go.

47-year-old Guy Ritchie promised Rocco that he would do everything possible to keep him with him.

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Manhattan Supreme Court ruling

According to the preliminary decision of the court, which did not reach a final verdict, the teenager is obliged to fly to the US and talk with his mother.

It is worth noting that, despite the authority of the pop diva, Rocco's opinion will also be taken into account in court, as he is already quite old for this.