Wiping with vinegar at a child's temperature - proportions

Parents know that you should not rush to give your child antipyretic drugs as soon as the temperature rises. Heat is a protective function of the body, which contributes to the production of interferon. It is a protein that fights an infection. Do not bring down the temperature if it does not reach 38 ° C. Critical is the indicator at 38.5 ° C, that is, with such a mark on the thermometer it is already necessary to intervene. Many mothers do not want to give medicines to a child and are looking for an alternative in folk remedies. Wiping with vinegar at a high temperature in children is a fairly old way. It is accessible and effective. However, the procedure is required to learn some nuances.

Ratio for grinding with vinegar at a child's temperature

For the procedure it is necessary to make a solution. For its preparation you need apple or table vinegar 9%. Do not use vinegar essence. It will also require warm water (37-38 ° C). Prepare the remedy in enamelware.

Now you need to find out how to properly dilute the vinegar and do the wiping for the baby. It is important that the solution does not turn out to be concentrated. For 0.5 liters of water, take 1 tablespoon of vinegar. This ratio will avoid burns on the skin. The proportions for wiping with vinegar at a temperature in a child and adults may differ. The latter can be used to prepare a more concentrated solution.

The patient is undressed and manipulated using a cotton napkin. First of all, you need to treat armpits, folds of elbows, knees. After that, wipe the remaining areas. On the forehead put a compress. Strongly wet the skin is not necessary.

Then the baby is covered with a sheet (not a blanket). You can offer him tea, milk. This will help perspiration. Then you need to monitor the temperature and, if necessary, repeat the procedure. If the solution has cooled, then it is better not to use it.

Categorically, you can not use the method in such cases:

Parents should be aware that many doctors are against this procedure and believe that there are no safe proportions of vinegar and water to bring down the temperature in the child. There is a risk of getting poisoned from vapors, because the baby's body is weakened by an ailment. Therefore, before using the product, it is still worth talking to the pediatrician.